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  1. N


    Thanks!! They are doing really well and growing very quickly. Im giving most of them away and I will be sad to see them go!!! My tank is not big enough for them.
  2. N


    Thanks very much for you help The Wolf!!! Gud one!!!
  3. N


    I have a breading pair of mollies which have just given me 55 fry. Im not keeping the fry though as a friend is taking them for his larger tank. I have a couple of guppies and a couple of neons. My other larger tank has Catfish in it. I wanted to try and keep the little fish in this tank for a...
  4. N

    How Many Fish

    Yes the tank is cycled. Ok I will try them first!
  5. N

    How Many Fish

    For this new tank Im interesting in keeping just the run of the mill fish like guppies, mollies, plattys and the other small fish. I will keep the larger fish for the large tank I have
  6. N


    NO! Im sorry let me explain. I have another tank which is alot bigger than the one I bought. I was unsure as to whether the litature that I had been reading was correct as It said that the temperature should be lower than I have the other one set at because the tank was smaller. Judging by your...
  7. N

    How Many Fish

    Hi, I have just bought a 29 Litre tank. Is only about 14in by 14in. Its an aqua one 380. Could any one tell me how many fish it would be best to keep in this tank as dont want to over stock. ;)
  8. N

    What to give to the fry???

    I feed my fry crushed up flakes and also brine shrimp. They are thirving!!! :P
  9. N


    Hi, I got a breeding pair of mollies yesterday and she gave birth lastnight. She was not that big so did not think i would get 55 fry!!!! How long do I keep them seperated before putting them back into the main aquarium?? ;)
  10. N


    Hi, Can anyone help please. I have got my new aquarium im not sure as to whether the temperature is right for the fish. Could anyone tell me what is the right temperature for the tank. Apparently the heater was factory set to the correct temperature but Im not sure wheather to trust it!!! :P