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  1. C

    I just got some new plants :)

    I just got some new plants :)
  2. C


    I totally agree! Whenever i walk into the room she swims to the front of the tank to greet me. Its really great. Where would I find the breeder/ 4ft. tanks. I don't have a LFS near me so is there any site you would recommend? My angels are fully mature (3 years old) and are about 4 1/2 inches...
  3. C


    Im hoping to find her a large tank for herself (I want to be able to keep her since she is so friendly to me.. I can hand feed her and all.) What should i do in the meantime? I have had the same amount of fish for the time i have owned her. What should i do if i cannot find a larger tank...
  4. C


    I have hard water, and yes they grow to be quite large.. In hoping to find her a larger tank but I don't have any place to keep her for now and it would be hard to give her up. I have asked all of my friends and none can take her.
  5. C


    I did a bunch of research and i found out that she is a golden severum. She is approx. 4 inches (possibly less.)
  6. C


    I have a 40 gallon tank with 2 angels, 4 tetras a pleco and a gourami (plus the new mollies.) Im not sure what type my cichlid is.. She is a light yellow color with almost a sunfish look towards her back-end (orange-ish and very reflective)
  7. C


    Unfortunately no, i don't have another working tank to put them in currently and the store i bought them at is quite a drive... (Plus they will be closed tomorrow due to the holiday)
  8. C


    Hello, I have a cichlid that has never had aggressive issues before (I have been able to put tetras, guppies, mosquito fish, and mollies in the tank as tank-mates.) But all of the sudden today i got a few more mollies and she started trying to eat them I currently have 4 tetras in the tank with...
  9. C

    Pleco is too big!

    Thanks! Im going to need it :D
  10. C

    Pleco is too big!

    I have found 2 fishkeeping associations fairly close to my area (about 30 mins to an hour out each.) I also found a few groups on facebook that i have now joined. I just posted about my situation :). Thank you so much for your help! I hope i can find her a new home ASAP.
  11. C

    Pleco is too big!

    I would like to trade her but i cant seem to find a site or group to do so. Do you have any recommendations? (My LFS does not take care of their fish so i don't feel that is a good option but selling would be a good idea ☺)
  12. C

    Pleco is too big!

    Hello! I need some advice.. My pleco is much too large for my 35 gallon tank (7 inches to be exact...) and is getting aggressive towards my other fish! Her bio-load is also getting to be way to much for my filter. I have had her for about 3 1/2 years now and i hate yo give her up.. But i just...