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    Tiny white spots on chichlids tail?

    My two uaru have very small white dots on their tail. The one has 3 and other has one. Is this possibly ich or something like it?
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    90 gallon stocking?

    Ok, I think I will just leave it be. I don’t feel like I am very overstocked, as my filtration is rated up to 150 gallons, and most uaru only grow to 10 inches in aquariums (still quite large). I figured they would be fine in my tank as aquaadvisor says my tanks stock is only at 83%, and my...
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    90 gallon stocking?

    i recently set up a 90 gallon aquarium with a fluval 405 and a fluval 206 for filtration. I already have 5 red eye tetras, 2 red minor tetras, a silver flying fox, and two uaru. Is it possible to have 3 angelfish in this setup, or will it be overstocked?
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    Uaru tankmates

    is there any peaceful smaller fish that could be kept with a pair of Uaru in a 90gallon aquarium?
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    90 gallon tankmates

    What tankmates would work best with red eye tetras and a Senegal bichir? (90 gallon aquarium) I would prefer large tankmates, either one extra large centrepiece fish or a couple large fish. Possibly larger peaceful chichlids?
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    Uaru tankmates

    What tankmates would work best with red eye tetras and a Senegal bichir? (90 gallon aquarium) I would prefer large tankmates, either one extra large centrepiece fish or a couple large fish. Possibly larger peaceful chichlids?
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    What fish should go with my Senegal Bichir?

    Oh, I thought they were a lot smaller than that. I’ve read quite a few where it says they only grow to 12 inches (16 inches maximum) Are there any other Bichir that would work better?
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    What fish should go with my Senegal Bichir?

    I am currently planning to stock a 90 gallon tank. It is currently completely empty, and filtration isn’t a problem, because I am willing to add more if needed. I am planning to put a Senegal bichir, but I don’t know what other fish should go in as well. I am interested in ropefish and Congo...
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    Silver flying fox

    Thanks for the information, for some reason I didn’t find that page when I was researching them.
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    Silver flying fox

    I purchased a silver flying fox from my Lfs, but they usually do not keep them in stock, and it was the only one left. I have foun very little information on them, mainly only feeding habits and tank size. I keep him in my tank with a few red eye tetras, and he always seems to follow them at the...
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    What type of Oddball can I keep in my 36 gallon bowfront?

    Thanks for the information, I think I might try the Senegal Bichir, because they sound a bit less fussy when it comes to water quality, feeding, etc, and it seems more suited to my tanks decor
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    What type of Oddball can I keep in my 36 gallon bowfront?

    The dimensions are 30" L x 15" W x 21" H The ph is around 7, and the hardness is around 13 gh. I would use the 50 gallon as a Oddball tank, but the dwarf rainbow fish I was keeping in the 36 gallon tank have bred, and I want to keep the fry. Ive read about the Guinean Bichir, which sounds like...
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    What type of Oddball can I keep in my 36 gallon bowfront?

    I have the tank fully cycled, it’s been running for a couple years without problems. I am planning on moving the current stock into a new 50 gallon tank. Is there any oddballs, such as bichirs, that could be kept in my 36 gallon tank?
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    African butterfly fish tank mates

    Would I be able to keep 1 abf with 5 cories and a silver flying fox? I have a 36 gallon tank
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    Will this work with an African butterfly fish?

    Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Will this work with an African butterfly fish?

    I have a 36 gallon tank, and i think I will add a angelfish, and 3 platy Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Abf tank mates?

    I think I will go with an African butterfly fish, an angel fish and 3 platies Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Abf tank mates?

    I have my heart set on the African butterfly fish, and I don't know which fish to put with it. I have a 36 gallon tank with floating plants, roots and rocks. Would German blue rams or keyhole chiclids work? If not, would giant danios or some other mid swimming fish work? Sent from my iPhone...
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    african butterfly fish tankmates?

    19 inches by 30 inches
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    african butterfly fish tankmates?

    I have read about the abf, and was wondering what fish could go with them. I have a 36 gallon tank, and I already have a algae eater. Would Congo tetras work? If not, would rainbowfish? Also, I live in Alberta, and I can't find a store that sells abf. Would I be able to get the store to order...