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  1. AnnAlfie

    Glow in the dark Pebbles

    Very informative. Thank you. I learned quite a bit. I had been turning their light off about an hour before I'd turn the room light off. and I switch the light on about an hour after switching the room light on However that was pure luck and not because I actually knew what I was doing :fish:I...
  2. AnnAlfie

    Glow in the dark Pebbles

    I'm a nightowl and have always had the light off in the day and on during the night. My tank has a black background with a lot of depth and height so it is very dark when the light is off. Am I doing anything wrong? would love some feedback. I've had my tank for 5 years and everything seems to...
  3. AnnAlfie

    Glow in the dark Pebbles

    Bang goes that idea lol. Last thing I want to do is cause my fish any stress. As they say 'if in doubt leave it out'. ;)
  4. AnnAlfie

    Glow in the dark Pebbles

    I'm glad I cam across the thread as too want to use glow pebbles. I'm going for black sand and the back of my tank is black so I thought blue glow pebbles placed behind ornaments and caves would look really cool.
  5. AnnAlfie

    How to stop other fish eating catfish food

    Hi there. It really works for me. It's one of those annoying problems with a community tank. I was getting concerned that my catfish were not getting their fair share of food. Since I've had that plastic tub in the tank, the catfish have grown quickly and they get to eat in peace lol
  6. AnnAlfie

    Is sand good for Goldfish or not?

    Oh I'm no expert either lol. I think I'm going to just go ahead with it and see how it goes. I think if it works it will very rewarding.
  7. AnnAlfie

    Is sand good for Goldfish or not?

    I'm guessing that sand would be present in the wild. The part which troubles me is that pet Goldfish have been bred in a certain way and probably look nothing a natural wild Goldfish like the Ryukin. I have a veiltail Ryukin about 6 inches big now. I'm wondering if they would find it as easy to...
  8. AnnAlfie

    Is sand good for Goldfish or not?

    I have a mix of very large and smaller fish. The biggest is 1 of my Blackmore's at just over 7 inches. The smallest 1 is about 2.5 inches. I was looking at some fine black aquatic sand.
  9. AnnAlfie

    Is sand good for Goldfish or not?

    I have recently discovered black sand (on this forum) and I would like to change the coral chips in my cold water tank to black sand. The colours would be amazing. However after researching the internet I have been hit with conflicting information. Some say it's good for Goldfish and some say it...
  10. AnnAlfie

    Sandstone..good or bad?

    Wow. You know your stuff. Very informative. Thanks. :good:
  11. AnnAlfie

    Newbie to fish & forums

    Goodnight neverland :zz
  12. AnnAlfie

    Newbie to fish & forums

    I'll be watching this because I want to know also :good:
  13. AnnAlfie

    Newbie to fish & forums

    I'm off to bed before the sun turns me to ashes. You have been great. I hope I haven't asked too many questions. :good:
  14. AnnAlfie

    Newbie to fish & forums

    They are stunning. Best of luck. I am following you so I'll be back to chat more fishy chat. I better hit the sack. The suns coming back up :good:
  15. AnnAlfie

    Newbie to fish & forums

    No the black one. It has a big belly. Arghhh I don't know. Put me out of my misery
  16. AnnAlfie

    Newbie to fish & forums

    I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark here but is the female the white one? All I'm going on is size
  17. AnnAlfie

    Newbie to fish & forums

    Oh geez. I just put that into google for a gork and it came up with dogs lol. I had to adjust it to fish :p
  18. AnnAlfie

    Newbie to fish & forums

    Haha. I hear ya. I was having the same trouble. I'm new at this also.I'm still trying to follow. I must have read the same comments several time over trying to find the new stuff o_O I can't believe how long I've been on here. It's daytime again
  19. AnnAlfie

    Newbie to fish & forums

    I got the sex right. I'm on a roll. Let me have my moment :hooray: