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  1. M

    poorly female betta

    possibly someone who blames their mistake because they "weren't made aware" shouldn't consider themselves an expert, act as one and present information as one. an expert with experience would have KNOWN that would have happened. this informaton is come upon after years of fish involvement. this...
  2. M

    poorly female betta

    Before people run off and never use melafix because of what bettamomma said, I just want to say melafix is a WONDERFUL thing for my 2 male bettas and girls. It brought back their finnage beautifully, they perked up almost instantly when they were rescued and I put it in. I've used it since then...
  3. M

    Maracyn - how many days?

    thank you :) don't need it right now, i just figured i'd pick up some extra types of meds just in case...was writing directions on a paper with it :D
  4. M

    Maracyn - how many days?

    went to my lfs to get some fish meds and she gave me several maracyn (NOT maracyn two) tablets in foil instead of making me buy the whole box. she says to use for 3 days but i had heard 5? how many days should it be used? thanks :)
  5. M


    definately changing some water to get the ammonia down - would like to put in the meds at the same time since odds are something may be up with them all and its so sudden waiting doesn't seem to be an option, will do it tonight, bucket is waiting :) i've been researching too, to the point...
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    i only have a terrible digital which can't get good enough pics to see anything - tried. the pic above was taken with a scanner - really don't want to do that to the live fish... history of fish? in a tank together at a pet chain. wouldn't have taken 6 for this tank but i couldn't have left one...
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    we rescued 6 small females two days ago and have them in a 10 gallon tank with a filter, real plants, many hiding places. by that night one had died - she was covered with white cotton stuff very quickly and then died. the very next morning another showed white cotton stuff on her (pictured...
  8. M

    How to tell male plakat from female

    thank you joep! ok, i'm going to guess she is a girl. i can see what looks like an ovipositer and she has very short stubby ventrals. she definately does flare quite impressively. we'll assume she's a girl but keep the divider handy :D
  9. M

    How to tell male plakat from female

    thanks! she's hiding in one of the ornaments right now, i'll let the tank stay peaceful ;) and will check her later. she's not just big she's really full and stocky, looks like a bodybuilder lol
  10. M

    How to tell male plakat from female

    i just purchased a 2 inch female betta that is quite aggressive, flares quite a bit. she just doesn't "look" like other females i've seen. she is very dark with stripes. possibly its all from stress, including the stripes, because there are 5 new females in a 10 gallon tank but she just seems...
  11. M

    female community & whisper internal filter

    i ended up with an extra 10 gallon and now have 2 females in it with a heater and a whisper internal filter. they are so incredibly sweet!! they settled in instantly, are hungry and swim together. they really seem to get along good. thinking about getting a few more females but am not sure if i...