Search results

  1. L

    Corydoras with red blotch or swim bladder issue?

    Hi Everyone, One of my favourite Coys has this issues below, could anyone advise what this may be and possible remedies? The fish started acting strange and showing discomfort around 2 days ago, and is now swimming around with difficulty. I just managed to get some Melafix today as I thought...
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  4. L

    Flukes or Fungus?

    Thanks for the reply's, I have already lost 4 of my big Cory's to whatever it is. They seam to be responding to Fluke medicine but at this stage I think its too late for some of them. It's really hard to get any reliable info in HK, let alone treatments. Please if anyone can positively...
  5. L

    Flukes or Fungus?

    Hi, My corys started scratching themselves against the sand a last week and I noticed these things on my corys yesterday, overnight they have spread and are now covering the faces of 3 of them, with others also infected. I live in HK so its hard to get some of the treatments available in the...
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  7. Cory (2).jpg

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  8. Cory (3).jpg

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  9. Cory (1).jpg

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