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  1. sunnydays17

    Good plants for baby paltys and mollies?

    So my platy and molly gave birth a day apart to about 30 fry. Well i saved about 30 of them they probably ate some. Anyway i have them separate in their own little tank but they are getting a bit overcrowded so im going to move the bigger ones into the bigger tank with the other fish. I just...
  2. sunnydays17

    Help with baby fry

    Ok some are big enough and some are still kinda small. Im leaving the smaller ones in there a little longer.
  3. sunnydays17

    Help with baby fry

    Are my baby fry big enough to go with my bigger fish. Theres about 20 of them and they are a bit crowded in their nursery. They are baby tuxedo platys and i have mollies, platys and a swordtail in the bigger tank. Anyways thanks!
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  5. sunnydays17

    Pregnant or not

    Agreed. The top one looks ready to give birth. You can tell by her stomach cause it looks round but flat on the bottom. Almost sqaurish.
  6. sunnydays17

    Sometimes the sauce gets lost, but sometimes you get lost in the sauce.

    Sometimes the sauce gets lost, but sometimes you get lost in the sauce.
  7. sunnydays17

    What is wrong with my fish?

    Hmm i think it might be ich. If the spots continue to spread then most likely it is. I use tetra ick guard fast.You can usually buy it for 7 bucks online.
  8. sunnydays17

    What type of platy is this?

    I bought her from a pet store cause she was pretty cute. The worker there just said she is a platy but what color would she be under? She has an orange head and tail but her belly is black. Also she has sparkley scales in the middle. And sorry about the pic she is so dang fast. Mabye she is...
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