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  1. S

    Eye Cloud?!

    I was away for 2 weeks, my grandma did not clean the tank properly, so I think he had fin rot or the other fish were nipping at his fins... Either way since then they are in a 29 gallon tank and the eye cloud has disappeared :)
  2. S

    Plants or no plants?

    Hey! Wondering whether or not to try a planted tank... I LOVE the look of planted tanks and I would love to have one! Does anyone have any opinions on what plants to use? As well as any information to a beginner on how to take care of the plants etc.
  3. S

    Fish Diseases

    Do you need to separate fish with fungus? Also if you fix the PH will the fungus go away on its own?
  4. S

    Brand new fish tank

    I've had plenty of smaller tanks 15 gal and below but today I got a 29 gallon tank and already obsessed!
  5. S

    Eye Cloud?!

    My two fresh water angels have eye cloud... I think I need pretty much anyone's opinion. Should I put them back into the 15 gallon tank and use the API fungus care? However, I was reading about it and someone says it could be the PH that's too low? I just came back from vacation, my grandma was...
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