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  1. B

    Basement fish room build

    Nick, I see no one answered your question so I will give it a try. But first, I have some questions for you. When you say a "fish room" to what exactly are you referring? I had rooms that held my collections (fish, herps and spiders/scorpions) and am wondering what you are looking to do. The...
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    Need advice on this ich situation

    This thread describes a slightly different situation thant you did before. I am not sure what you mean by big vs tiny spots, ich looks like the fish has been "salted". The wasting you describe does not always accompany ich, it is more of a suffocating type gig that happens rather quickly (in...
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    Opinions on Canisters with integrated UV

    Thank you. I was wondering about the SunSun, it seems that the company has done a knock off of another filter but has done it such that it is good quality.
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    Opinions on Canisters with integrated UV

    Can anyone give me some first hand opinion on the canister filter with an integrated UV, I think it is called Aquatop. Thanks
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    Not seeing dead fish and looking at what appear to be clean tanks does not get you out of the woods. Years ago, and perhaps still to this day, there was a task at pet shops it was called a "Shaeffer run" (sp). It was a scan through the tanks to find and remove any dead fish so customers don't...
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    Are Hikari Blood Red Parrot pellets okay for Oscars and Silver Dollars too?

    That is likely because Oscars are pigs and will eat wood if they don't get a good look at it :D The Silver dollar might appreciate something a bit leafier and soft. Jim
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    Nor am I. We just have different experiences and methodologies that is all.
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    Byron, I read your article as well as the references that would come up after clicking the highlighted addresses. Interesting read and some information that has been thoroughly researched. Not all of the information was such that salt was considered ghastly, however some good arguments were...
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    Are Hikari Blood Red Parrot pellets okay for Oscars and Silver Dollars too?

    I wouldn't sweat it. The food will not harm you other fish however the silver dollar would benefit from some more plant based food than an Oscar or Red Parrot. The Chili pepper is plant based but silver dollars are pretty deeply vegetarian so some vegetarian foods will always be welcome...
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    I hope I can help here....I am a very old school type of aquarist, I did it for decades and had great success, I worked in pet shops and wholesalers during my HS and college years. I can almost bet that what I am going to put out here is going to get flamed but I can't help myself if I believe...
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    Opinions of Aquarium brands

    Thanks Ch4rlie! I am looking just to buy the tank, no set up. I will source all that out separately so I can by exactly what I am interested in. I am going with a plain old glass lid since it will be hidden by a cabinet I plan to build. The lighting is pretty much that same story, I will...
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    Opinions of Aquarium brands

    Hi Folks, I was wondering if you all have favorite tank brands and why or just the opposite....tanks you would avoid. I am interested in what quality is out there today. I used to know the companies to avoid 30 years ago but things have obviously changed somewhat. I am looking to buy a 75...
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    New Fish Lover

    Dianawelch, You are all over the place with potential fish choices. You would do yourself a real favor by reading a good book on fish species and making a more realistic choice. If predatory fish tickle your fancy then based on a 30 gallon (assumed size based on length you posted) you should...
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    This year I had more than 20 fishes dead

    Dianal, You say "good deal of light" I am not sure what that means. What you are trying to get is photosynthesis and that is dependent on photoperiod (duration of light), light intensity and wavelength of light. A bad light source will not promote growth no matter how long it is on. While I...
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    This year I had more than 20 fishes dead

    I am going to take a crack at this for you. Just for conversions sake (the metric system is not native here in the us) It sounds like you have a 20 gallon tank that is a tad tall for its length, a more squat tank is always better. Given that, your fish load can be pushed downward because or...
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    That is a pretty young fish but it is most likely a penis or ovipositor (egg laying thingie in females) I always described the male apparatus as looking like a finger and a female unit as a fist. Look at it like that and it becomes clear enough. The baby green terror looks healthy enough...
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    Getting back to it after a 25 year break!

    Munroco, It sounds like you and I have done the same dance! One difference however, I am intent on keeping it to one, maybe 2 tanks.
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    Getting back to it after a 25 year break!

    Ch4rlie, I did not have a 1000gallon tank, but a 1000gallon system. It was made up of a 200, 150, 125, 55s, 20s, 37s, and lotsa 10s for individual fish. I had some super large fish like a 40 inch RedTail, a 2 foot long Mystis (I think it is Bagrus now) nemuris, a foot long Electric cat, a 2...
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    Getting back to it after a 25 year break!

    Hi Everyone, My name is Jim and I am finally getting back into the aquarium hobby after about 25 years out of it. I will be setting up a 75 gallon planted tank in the next few months (my wife wants all manner of projects finished first). My plan is to build a custom stand/cabinet complete...