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  1. B

    Will my fish be ok?

    Hi all, I have a 20 gal long tank and a sun sun 602b filter. An essential piece to the filter broke so i had to order a new filter. I have to wait probably a week. I just want to be sure that my fish will be ok for that long. I put a sponge filter in for now and threw all the sponges and...
  2. B

    HELP! Cory swimming funny, etc..

    The plants were doing much better too. Have a look at these videos I made. You can also see how much more active the corys are in the second one with the snail. Any more recommendations would be appreciated. Thanks again, Bryan
  3. B

    HELP! Cory swimming funny, etc..

    They look about the same brightness but the led is much white/bluer in comparison. Perhaps they were just used to the yellowish hue. Either way it suxks and I just want them happy again. Help! :/
  4. B

    HELP! Cory swimming funny, etc..

    Well the little guy died unfortunately. I'm almost 100% convinced it was the lighting change that did it. All of the other corys are hiding under wood and plants during the day because the damn LED is so goddamn bright. Do you think I should re-install the old system? It sucks but want my fish...
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  7. B

    HELP! Cory swimming funny, etc..

    Damn -- I was just trying to move the isolation/nursury tank/container and he escaped...he seems to be doing ok now. He's not swimming frantically and is combing the substrate, which he had stopped before. I'll keep you posted...thanks again..
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    UI question

    Thank you, much appreciation
  9. B

    HELP! Cory swimming funny, etc..

    @Byron I use Hikari algae wafers. I usually break one big one up in to a bunch of pieces (a lot of the time the plecos get at them too). They seem to like them...Maybe i'll check out those other foods as well. Thanks.
  10. B

    HELP! Cory swimming funny, etc..

    I am feeding them algae wafers. I feel like they were eating a ton of the algae because a while ago I stopped feeding them for a few days and the algae was practically gone after. I'm not super familiar with anerobic gas does that work?
  11. B

    HELP! Cory swimming funny, etc..

    I forgot to mention that I also have dirt under the substrate. I'm not sure if that makes a difference or is related to the algae on it? Also I meant this message to go to @marnold00 , Thank you for your response as well @DoubleDutch .
  12. B

    UI question

    Hello, I'm new to the forums and I can't seem to find where to check my messages. It says that I have two but when I click the profile, dropdowns, etc ( I seem to have tried everything) I can't find it. Can you help me out? Thanks, Bryan
  13. B

    HELP! Cory swimming funny, etc..

    ----------- @marnold00 Thank you so much for getting back so quickly with such a detailed response. It's been a while since I checked the levels, but I just did. 1) Parameters -- Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate: 5ppm-10ppm pH: 7.0 - 7.4 High Range pH: 7.8 Temperature: 73° 2) It is an...
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  22. B

    HELP! Cory swimming funny, etc..

    Hey everyone, I've had 6 corys for a long time in a 20 gal long and suddenly one of them started swimming upside down and close to the surface. When he wasn't, he would either just sit in one spot or swim around the middle/top areas of the tank. This isn't normal for him. He also has some torn...