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  1. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Update. Testing on Sunday, Amonia was 0.5ish and nitrite was 0 nitrate was still around the 20ppm mark. This has been the case for the last two days same results no change. What should I do next keep using stability for another week or stop using it now? Should I do anything else? Thanks Lee
  2. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Thank you Byron, I will do water change tomorrow and then again each day untill it is Zero. Would just like to add a massive thank you for the continued support and the suggestion to get the Seachem bottles, both those and your support along with other members I finally feel my tank its...
  3. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Posting an update on my levels, after 5 days and one 70% water change using seachem prime and stability. Tested using api master test kit, my levels are- Amonia - 0.20ppm nitrite - 0.25ppm nitrate - around about the 20ppm mark. Does this seem like things are heading the right way from the...
  4. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Thank you, I am on day 5 at the moment still see amonia and nitrite tho?
  5. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Must have been incorrect results as I did test pretty soon after the change. Levels in the tank has spiked again but not as much as first results I posted the other day, I am following the guide on the stabilizer and prime bottles which says allow about 7 days. Still no fish deaths :)
  6. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Good news today. Seachem prime turned up today. So I did a 70% water change adding the guide amount of prime to use. The results have shocked me. Nitrite 0ppm Amonia 0.15ppm Massive drop from the test last night. Is this just because its a recent water change and then will rise again over...
  7. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Great news, I will go and get two more today. I will take another test later on around 7pm ill post results again. Thank you for your continued support.
  8. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?
  9. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Great news I bought something right, I can get another couple plants if it will help while the cycle happens they are pretty cheap?
  10. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    This is the tank, The sponge in it is part off a donor sponge from a local store they said use what i can in the filter and just place the rest in the tank for the friendly bacteria?
  11. tank2.jpg


  12. tank1.jpg


  13. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Will upload in next 10 mins. Im just waiting on amazon to deliver what you said yesterday so at least then we are talking the same language for advice with the right products
  14. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Should I do another water change right now? I do have 2 live plants but I dont know which ones they are I can take a image and upload it off the tank if that would help?
  15. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Ammonia is between 0.25ppm and 0.50ppm Nitrite is 1.0ppm I have used the api master liquid test kit This was alot higher before i did the water change today
  16. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Sorry I will post the results off this latest result in about half hour.
  17. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Cheers fokes, I have ordered through Amazon what Byron sent the links for one item will be with me tomorrow and the other on Monday. Today I have done 40 - 50% water change. So should i just keep this up each day for the near future?
  18. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Thank you for your research. In stupid terms could I have a list on what is best to get. If possible amazon links would be appreciated and I can then order them imediatly . Thank you again
  19. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Is your link and the one I posted the same things ?
  20. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    is this the correct thing to use?
  21. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Sorry, I use EASY LIFE. filter medium. What I do is remove the water straight down the toilet. Then fill buckets up and then put the correct dosage of the treatment into the fresh water ( which is right temp) which makes it safe to put into the tank.
  22. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    I wouldnt have a clue which one it is I paid £9.99 for him/her. Is there anyway to tell visualy when my filters are ready? Thanks to both of you
  23. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Thank you for your reply. I was told by another forum to just flush the fish away and clear the tank and to wait untill the cycle is done right. But I dont agree with that as these little guys deserve the best chance possible, even tho i was missed advised so I will do what ever it costs to...
  24. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    I have the API fresh water master test kit which I test eachday
  25. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Hi thanks for the reply. My ph is on the lower scale7.2. In my tank at the moment is 12 neons 1 bullnose plec 1 upside down cat fish 3 plattys which one had a baby (is in a breeding box) growing and eating well 2 mollys 1 red tail black shark Unfortunatly I dont have anywhere else to keep...
  26. L

    Urgent Help have i done something wrong?

    Hi all, Looking for some help if possible please. I have a 140ltr jewel tank, 3 weeks ago. I was miss advised when I bought this as I was told I could add fish straight away using API quick start. My issues are, have high amonia, nitrite, nitrate i know this as im using API water test the...