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  1. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    I'm starting to feel like one needs and advanced degree in chemistry to keep even a betta! Here's my log so far. This is my most recent pH test, which has me very confused. Regular pH on the left and two high range pH on the right. Taken at the same time. Center vial was taken from deeper in...
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  4. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Oh great - so I've probably made it worse! I had read that volcanic basalt was inert. So thought it was a good pick. Well, I'll monitor pH closely and see how it goes.
  5. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Ok, thank you. I will do this, log it and see what I learn. I did go ahead and change the substrate (Eco-Complete volcanic basalt) just in case it's the culprit, and put some driftwood and lava rock in. I left just a bit of the colored rock in for my daughter. I think it looks good!
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  7. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Ok wow! You're right. The pH this morning before I turned the light on is normal. Poor fish! I have not yet used fertilizer. Would that help or hurt the issue? Also did a test with just gravel and my bottled water overnight and the pH is also normal, right around 7.2.
  8. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Yes I've been vacuuming the gravel with each water change, but also got the filter going really low by covering the outlet with a piece of panty hose. Fish seems happy with the flow!
  9. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Ok, I will thanks. Trying to research gravel now. It is the Fluval Spec V light, LED. My kiddo loves the submarine and the betta seems to as well. I do need something tall for the tank obviously now that I've removed the fake plants it looks terrible. So I'll see if I can find some decent...
  10. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Thanks Byron. It's just Tetra glofish gravel. They don't have any info on their website regarding what it is. So I guess I'll just replace it and go from there. Hope I don't start a nitrogen cycle when I remove it!!
  11. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Ok I'm doing semi well, but have one last lingering issue. The water is about 7.2 in the Ozarka bottles. Something is raising the pH of the water inside the tank. As I've done several water changes and the tank is still around 8.4. I took plastic plants out. I have 6 live plants. I've tried...
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  13. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Well I researched Ozarka yesterday which seems to be all water with nothing added according to their literature. Replaced most of the tank water with it (still treated with a Prime). Tested water quality over a few hours and all looked good. Might just stick with this if it stays working well...
  14. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Thanks! I'll check it out. Would be good to know for my houseplants also.
  15. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Thank you so much. I am not sure I have a way to get water before it goes through the softener. I would have to investigate. My local fish store had assured me it wouldn't be a problem. Shows what they know - eyeroll. Anyway, long story short, Petco staff and literature suggest spring water for...
  16. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Well my tank is finally cycled. So I am left with my persistent pH issues. My tap water is from a salt based water softener. It tests at or above 8.8 before it goes in the tank. My 50% RO water changes are only bringing it down to 8.2-8.4. I have a bag of peat moss in the tank. While my snail...
  17. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    I did get the current slowed down even more by taking off the directional nozzle.
  18. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Thank you for the insight. I understand and appreciate all opinions. I'm trying to learn. The betta that I did have seemed to really like swimming through the submarine actually (it has no sharp or jagged edges). And chose to sleep on one of the plastic plants instead of the real ones (liked the...
  19. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Thank you - it is for my daughter. She is 7. Are the decorations actually harmful? They are very soft and didn't seem to do any fin damage when we did have the betta. She loves the decor. We have two live plants and I've added some driftwood and a bio block and I have taken out one of the...
  20. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Ok thank you. This was my understanding as well - but I'm learning all the time. Would there be any downside to using 50% ro water all the time? Other than cost? I do plan to have an ro filter installed in my kitchen in the next 6 months anyway.
  21. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Ok, thank you. I ordered some Fluval Peat Granules.
  22. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Oh and I had also punched holes in the pump tubing and turned the speed all the way down to be more hospitable for the betta.
  23. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Oh I also should add I used enough Prime with yesterday's water change to treat the whole tank. So that is where I am right now.
  24. IrishMom

    Water Issues

    Hi! Newbie here. I have a lot of story here - so forgive me if it's long. I have a 5gallon Fluval spec V tank with a small heater. Bought it from a local fish store who told me I could easily have 4 glofish tetras. They set up the tank for me and my tetras lived happily for a couple months...
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