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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. JustinGatCat

    Angelfish not growing?

    I definitely wish I could add more angels, but my tank is only a 29. Now, that is small for angels, but I have been moving a lot and my current residence couldn't support the 72 Gallon aquarium they were in originally. Like I said, all are hearty eaters. They actually eat in separate parts of...
  2. JustinGatCat

    Angelfish not growing?

    Hey everyone! So I noticed recently that one of my angelfish hasn't exactly been growing. I have 3 angelfish, I got them all at the same time, all were about the size of a thumb. Now two of them are about palm sized, except the one I'm concerned about. He's still roughly the size of my thumb...
  3. JustinGatCat

    Aquarium weight

    At 515 pounds when filled with water, you'd want to make sure your tank is on a stable ground. It probably will be fine if you Put the tank on the joints of the house or pillars should help, also along with a good stand to help distribute weight. If you're still unsure, it's best to either talk...
  4. JustinGatCat

    Pleco food

    My bristlenose pleco loves Hikari Bottom feeder wafers. Driftwood is also an important part in their diet, as it adds fiber. It's fine if you don't, as you can supplement with plenty of fresh veggies like cucumbers or romaine lettuce.
  5. JustinGatCat

    5 Gallon Stocking - Would This Be Alright?

    Bettas are perfect for 5 Gallons. It sure is a far cry from the tiny half gallon "cups" people market them to live in. I've had Bettas with both shrimp and snails with successful results. Just make sure the shrimp and snails are large enough not to be eaten. For most Bettas, this isn't that big...
  6. JustinGatCat

    72 Gallon Stock?

    Thanks. I was scared I was. When I got the 72 I was thrilled to have so much space( compared to my last system, a 29) but I guess I went overboard. I love all my fish, as I've had most for a long time. My Rainbow Shark, Platy, and Pleco and Goldfish were tiny babies when I got them, so they mean...
  7. JustinGatCat

    72 Gallon Stock?

    Hey everyone I'm new to the forum and just wanted an opinion on my tropical freshwater 72 Gallon Bowfront as in terms of its stocking levels and if it's overstocked Right now there is 1 Rainbow Shark 1 Goldfish(temporary?) 1 Swordtail 1 Platy 10 Black Skirts 13 Neons 5 Buenos Aires 3 Serpae 2...
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