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  1. J

    One platy fins looks like it has been attacked

    She has been seperated but wont eat at the moment ,she seems to just be sitting under/around the filter. My othee fish seem to eat fine ,actaulky they go crazy when i put food. As if they arnt getting enough food.
  2. J

    One platy fins looks like it has been attacked

    I noticed that sometines the neons will spit thier foood out bit i guessed that was becuase the flackes where to big,there poo is a pinky colour at the moment but i was told that is because of the ingredients in the fish food. I have another 20 litre tank but i wont be able to get a heater till...
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  7. J

    One platy fins looks like it has been attacked

    Here are some more photos.
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  10. J

    One platy fins looks like it has been attacked

    Hello, I have a 75 litre fish tank that has 4 neon tetras and 5 platys in 2 female and 3 male. Yesterday i noticed that one of the female platys was just floating in the current of the tank putting in just enough effort to keep stable in the water.on closer inspection i noticed her fins have...
  11. J

    Pleco rash?

    Another pic to help work out his/her id
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  13. J

    Pleco rash?

    Heres my other plec,i feel bad becuase had to use the flash:/ but needed so you could his pattern.his pectoral fin has orange spots on but everywhere else seems to have white spots. Hope you can id him:) and i hope i dont have to rehome him straight away:( Thank you
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  16. J

    Pleco rash?

    When I woke up this morning I noticed my other pleco sat on the heater like it was a decoration, surely this must be painful for the fish. I had to remove him from the heater myself as he seemed pretty comfy on it. about an hour later I checked and his belly looked a bit red. they seem to...
  17. J

    Pleco rash?

    Ok , I will make sure to keep check the water levels and keep a close eye on him. Thank you for your help :)
  18. J

    Pleco rash?

    Ok ,thank you for your reply. I did my weekly water change earlier and noticed skin like flakes floating at the top of the tank and i have noticed the injury on its(not sure if male or female) side looked a lot better. As if the white layer had peeled off. Is this plasable as i dont know what...
  19. J

    Pleco rash?

    Hello , I am fairly new to fish keeping and if you have seen my other thread i did not get off to a good start. This time it is a question about my 75ltr tank and my 2 plecos that currently live in it. I have just managed to rescue my tank from NTS and i am worried about one f my plecos. He...
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  22. J

    Infection caught to late?

    Done the 50%water change ,added the salt and added the melafix. The fish do look beyond ill and im finding it dificult to get the anchor worms out of the fish.some come out ok but some seem to be burried into the fin and i reslly dont want to pull to hard. 2 of the three platies have spent all...
  23. J

    Infection caught to late?

    Hello, Thank you so much for a reply.i have learnt more on this forum than i have in any of my local pet stores. I will begin this process tomorrow. Again thank you for such a detailed reply ,i will keep the thread updated incase you want to know how this plays out.
  24. J

    Infection caught to late?

    Hello everyone, I am new here and also new to fish keeping. I have two tanks at the moment (mine,my partners). My partner has a 25 ltr tank with 3 platys in. We noticed recently that they spent a lot of time in the bottom of the tank and looked ill(pale/red gills). I did a water check and the...
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