Search results

  1. M

    Betta Fish Sick?

    An update: I did purchase a water testing kit, and it tested all parameters except ammonia. All levels are 0, or low enough to not pose a danger. However, he still sits at the bottom of the tank with his mouth opening and closing. He's still eating. Could this just be old age? I don't see how it...
  2. M

    Betta Fish Sick?

    Hi! I have had my betta fish Max for over a year now. He's always been a happy fish. However, about two weeks ago I noticed he was sitting at the bottom of the tank without a lot of movement. He was also gasping. I removed him from the tank and then did a water change, cleaning the tank with...
  3. M

    Betta Fish + Algae

    I heard that mystery snails were big so I was probably thinking the nerite. I'm hoping to upgrade to a 5 gallon tank when I move into my apartment in the fall. There isn't space for it here but would be there, so I could get a snail then. If that doesn't work out then I'll go with the shrimp...
  4. M

    Betta Fish + Algae

    I love the look of floating plants! Do you suggest purchasing online? I would like to have a snail but have no idea about that either...may be my next post. Thanks again for all the help!
  5. M

    Betta Fish + Algae

    Ah, okay! That makes me feel better. I have had live plants in the past, and they would control the algae for a small amount of time and then suddenly the algae would completely overtake the tank. I've had one plant actually die being in the tank even after the algae was removed. I currently...
  6. M

    Betta Fish + Algae

    The tank is 2.5 gallon. I took the filter out initially because I could not get it clean enough. The little detachable clear part at the bottom is just so difficult to clean. Currently I have cleaned it and it is back in the tank. The heater is only a 7.5 watt and it doesn't let you control the...
  7. M

    Betta Fish + Algae

    Hi! Thanks for the reply - sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. I've been out of town :) The tank is relatively close to the window but the light doesn't shine directly into the tank. There are blinds on the window although I'm not sure how much that helps... I also wasn't sure how...
  8. M

    Betta Fish + Algae

    Hello all! I've been trying to do some research here in the forum about algae instead of having people post answers to questions that have already been asked, but each case is unique and different so I decided just to post my story anyway. I have had a betta fish for a little less than a year...
  9. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    Okay, I'll definitely look into it! I didn't know that. I like the video, I'll probably try that. Thanks!
  10. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    That's a beautiful tank! I didn't know you could add them in that amount, but I suppose if they like to hide in the caves they would like to hide around the plants! I will look into buying more. Do you have any tips on typical care needed and what plants are ideal for them? Thanks! I feed Max...
  11. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    I didn't know they bit their fins either! It makes sense though. And I checked, the interior of the cave is quite smooth, but I may file the edges of the entrance down a bit. It isn't overly rough but I think every bit helps! I will definitely upload a picture of him tomorrow! He definitely...
  12. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    I have a live plant in the tank with his cave. Will this be enough to discourage the biting? He had one in there before as well. Thanks!
  13. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    Thanks! Max has been in his new tank for almost a week. His fins are regrowing! They're already about a centimeter or two longer than before! Thanks for your help. He seems very happy in his new home!
  14. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    Okay, thank you! I actually came across a one day sale with a 5 gallon tank for 20 dollars, with a filter and other things included! It was a really great deal! Thanks so much for all your help!
  15. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    Okay, great! I checked the measurements and it should fit on my desk :) I'm glad about that! I have the small gravel as well. I like that best, but I want whatever will give the best living conditions for the betta. I do 25% water changes 1-2 times a week, so I'll increase this to 50, and also...
  16. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    Okay! I looked around for one and I think I'll most likely go with that one. My original plan was keeping him on my desk, but it is rather small. It probably wouldn't bother me, but if I do get this one it is small enough that I can put it on a table/dresser. Thanks so much! Do you have any...
  17. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    I don't have room for a five gallon tank. The most I could do is probably a three. I don't know what to do beyond this because I want the best environment for him. I suppose I could give him to someone that can afford and has the space for a larger tank.
  18. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    I've posted hopefully helpful pictures, but please let me know if different ones are needed. Thank you so much!
  19. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    Here are the pictures of him. If you notice the silvery bits that are close to his body, those aren't new - they've been part of his coloring since I got him. As you can see, his tail fin is the most troublesome. It's extremely short. He currently lives in a 1.2 gallon tank with a live plant, a...
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  22. M

    Betta's Fins Drastically Decreased in Size?

    Hello! I'm new to this forum. I have a half moon betta fish that I've had about four months now. His fins were huge when I first got him, so much so that he seemed to have difficulty swimming. He was very beautiful; this was one of the reasons I picked him out! His first month or so went great...