Search results

  1. S

    Help curing tank of whitespot?

    So i suspect my tank has whitespot and i need to begin treatment to get it under control, just looking for a bit of help or advise! Got a african dwarf frog, plec, bamboo shrimp and a bengal loach in there as well im a little concerned about adding treatment to the tank with also. The tank uses...
  2. S

    Who has attacked the barb!

    Perhaps! I've been monitoring the tank a lot today and noticed the puffer hasn't really bothered with any of the other fish today. The shark, however seems to have moved into the hide that the barb originally stuck around. Not sure if this is anything to go by. Also noticed the shark chasing...
  3. S

    Who has attacked the barb!

    Hey guys bit of a problem! Purchased a few new fish a few days back including 3 melon barbs and a figure of 8 puffer. Now the store assistants informed me that the figure of 8 can be a bit nippy but should be compatible with my tank as i have no long finned fish. Today however i have woken up to...
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