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  1. meghanbridget33

    Best substrate for corys besides SAND!

    Hey guys, I have a 100 gallon planted tank. I have some horrible green substrate and would like to upgrade to a plant substrate. I have researched flourite and carib-sea's options. The plants I have are all rooted plants except for my rotala indicia which I guess you can say has roots, but I...
  2. meghanbridget33

    My 3 Yr Old Bolivian Ram

    I love my bolivian rams, I had four all ended up being males. Sadly after a year I lost one today, had them since they were super tiny. Totally bummed me out. The other three are thriving. I totally agree that their color depends on mood, the one I lost turned a dark mottled color, I had him in...
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  4. meghanbridget33

    Taking Great Fish Photos (How To)

    Sterbai are my favorite corys! I love their little pop of orange! Great picture of him. I have 17 corys total, and my five sterbai hang out in the back half of the tank, where the others all hang out together. I mean albinos, emeralds, julis, and my pandas all will sleep together. I started with...
  5. meghanbridget33

    Taking Great Fish Photos (How To)

    I love the little geophagus!! I am glad to see someone else enjoys pearl gouramis, I believe that they are the prettiest of gouramis. I was blown away this guy had no idea what a congo tetra was. These classic fish in the trade are so under appreciated. Everyone wants these crazy hybrids or...
  6. meghanbridget33

    Water Change Night

    Water Change Night