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  1. Chris1075

    Mopani Wood Question

    So I have noticed this developing on the piece of mopani wood that I have had for about 6-7 years. This is the second time that I have had to deal with the issue. The first time I just scraped it off with an X-Acto knife, but it is back again. I am left wondering is this harmful or just...
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  4. Chris1075

    clam advice needed

    Thanks. looks like I won't be getting one anytime soon.
  5. Chris1075

    Male Swordtails

    thanks all for the advice, going to just go with the three males
  6. Chris1075

    Male Swordtails

    Looking to improve my male swordtails environment. I have three males and no females. I wasn't informed at the time of purchase about males needing females. I wasn't looking to bread and thought that three males would be a good addition to my aquarium. Now reading about them I find that I...
  7. Chris1075

    Treatment Medication Recommendation

    Hello, I am looking for some advice for treatment or medication to use to treat fin rot. I have been to my LFS, which advised me to do 25% - 50% water changes every other day and aquarium salt and use Seachem's Garlic Guard. It looked like it had cleared up, and the tetra was getting better. A...
  8. Chris1075

    20 Gal Freshwater to driftwood or not...

    Hello all... I am just seeking some information and comments about expanding my aquarium. As my post say's, I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank, with some java fern, money wart, cabomba for plants. I have 3 bleeding heart tetra's 3 golden long tail tetra's and 3 turquoise guppies. 1 golden...