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    Do plecs shed skin

    i think it might be they are going up to breathe, i think catfish breathe air not water
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    New fish

    thanks guys
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    Going away for a few days

    I keep my lights of quite a lot because i get plenty of light in the room on a sunny day, turn them on if its cloudy though. And the sun gets directly on the tank for about half hour tops so that helps the plants :), when i go away i'm just putting one of those pet sitter food tablets in, that...
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    I finally did my water tests!

    I hope so because i have 2 apple snails coming tuesday so fingers crossed :D
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    New fish

    I am gradually adding stock to my tank and have read that you should quarantine fish before adding them to the main tank. I can't do this cause i only have room for the main tank, so i got this stuff, Liquisil. It says to put it in when you add new fish and it will keep all levels of bacteria at...
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    I finally did my water tests!

    well i was expecting the ammonia to be higher, i've been cycling with 4 platies 5 tetras and a plecostomus, so i was a bit shocked
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    Can Fish

    :rofl: that is just so funny, sadly when i got my platies i didn't know the dif between male and female at the time so ended up with 5 male :crazy: So i have one fish thats the bully and one by one he seems to be doing the other 4 in, one dead so far and one on his last legs now :-(
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    I finally did my water tests!

    Ok my tank has been set up for 2 weeks and here are the results i just did, is this good for 2 weeks? ive been cycling with fish and need to know what the next step is, should i now do a big water change? Ammonia- 0 Nitrite- 0.1 Nitrate- 10 :dunno:
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    Tropicals Online?

    this is the only place i know of, but i'm not sure if the ship to ireland
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    dead guppy

    If he has died he might be hard to find in the tank especialy if the fish have pecked at it. another possibility is that its completely been eaten or he has jumped out the tank, all i know is to remove the body as soon as you find it. I don't think it will do any harm otherwise, but don't quote...
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    Fin nipping fish

    I used to have a community tank with 2 angel fish in, they did pick on a few fish if they got in there way but I have heard that they will eat neon tetras. I had about 10 neons and i don't think any got eaten...
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    how many fish to cycle a tank?

    i have a 28 gallon tank and these are the fish i have in my siggy they have been cycling for about a week now and only one has died, and that was with dropsy
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    Tried out a different lfs

    I never buy fish if there is a dead or ill one in the tank
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    yea it might be good but the only place i can get one is ebay and altogether costs £7!!!! but anyway i gave my fish peas for the first time the other day and they went mad for them lol
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    Dont water change for 6 months

    It sounds nice not having to change the water for 6 months but I think at the end of the day i would still want to, force of habit as i would want to vac the gravel to.
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    If You Live In The Uk

    Pontypridd, South Wales
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    Water Temperature

    If your cycling the tank with no fish then put it up to 85F, this will encourage the bacteria to grow faster :)
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    fishee ebay?

    Try I get a lot of stuff off there for my tank, just got 25 plants for £6 today off there :cool: They also have live fish on there but please make sure who you buy off has good feedback and check how they send them first, some people on there even have a garantie that your fish...
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    What is it with Walmart

    I always read up on my fish before i go and buy them and anything else i need to know. I don't trust staff in pet stores, most of them don't know anything about fish all they want to do is make money.
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    Fish that won't nip at their fins and ones that he won't be jealous of and attack, so plain fish.
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    My sick little fish :(

    well he has now had red gills for 2 days and he's fine apart from that, hes eating and breathing fine
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    Pregnant neon tetra?

    wow sounds like they don't want to live!
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    My sick little fish :(

    i should be able to test the water by the end of the week, the fish are flicking but their breathing is fine.
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    Pregnant neon tetras

    thanks very much for your advise, could you possible get me a picture so i know if they are or not?
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    Pregnant neon tetra?

    I have 5 neon tetra and one looks like it could have eggs but i'm noy sure, can anyone show me a picture so i can compare please? and if it is should i put it in a breeding trap?
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    changing the tank water

    I was think of doing about 50% every other weekend as i'm busy a lot, also i thought if i did it like that it would be less stress for the fish doing it less often?
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    changing the tank water

    How often should i change my tank water? and how much each time?
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    Pregnant neon tetras

    I have 5 neon tetra and one looks like it could have eggs but i'm noy sure, can anyone show me a picture so i can compare please? and if it is should i put it in a breeding trap?
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    My Micky mouse platty

    so should i seperate her to give her a brake?
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    can guppies liv in cold water

    as far as i know guppies can because their temp goes as low as my room is so i could keep them in cold water
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    My Micky mouse platty

    Clampy? the male does seem to be annoying her, everytime he goes near her she like ducks down under him to get away Micky mouse platty Maybe i'm paranoid because i just did a search on these micky mouse platy and they do seem to have red gills anyway, second opinion to reasure me anyone? lol...
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    My Micky mouse platty

    This morning i noticed she had red gills but she might have already, i might just be paranoid -_- anyway i noticed because one of the males is pecking at her and she responds by going on her side every now and then. Apart from them being red there is nothing else wrong at all.
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    My sick little fish :(

    :o Is there anything i can do? also i forgot to mention she is a micky mouse platy, does this make any dif?
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    My sick little fish :(

    This is my first fish to die. The tank was set up for a week b4 i got the fish, I am cycleing with them. My other fish seem ok. they are eating very well but i do see them going up to plants and flicking quick on them :dunno:
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    My Platty

    I think i have 4 male and one female platty as 1 is bigger than all the rest, but from last night i noticed one of the males pecking at her a lot and she was twisting on her side to him. this morning now i have noticed (don't think it was there b4) she has a lot of red on her gills, has he...
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    what's the fish you dislike most

    My worst fish has to be a molly and the one you said flower head fish, my fave are bettas and i have a soft spot for my Plecostomus
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    Does Anyone Else's Partner Surprise Them.....

    :rofl: sorry :*) but that does sound funny, are the fish ok?
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    Cycling with Fish :(

    I started to cycle my tank with fish food cause i couldn't get ammonia, a week later i got 5 platy, 5 neons (because my partner wanted these) and a plecostomus. They have been in sinse friday and 1 platy died from dropsy last night, they all seem to be ok the others, but i'm yet to test the...
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    Does Anyone Else's Partner Surprise Them.....

    well you saying that, i just started putting fish in my tank from friday, one died from dropsy last nigh :-( but my partner is going away next week to the west midlands where he might be near this big fish store and he knows i'm after a betta so lets see what happens aye! lol