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  1. Waterfins

    Dragon and Pheonix

    Just pictures of my two betta fish:
  2. Waterfins

    Nutrafin Bug Bites by Hagen & Enterra

    I recently picked up this food at my local petsmart for my betta fish to try out since it sounded interesting, it said it was made of black soldier fly larvae and salmon and that it was a high protein diet. I bought the small to medium tropical fish formula but there is a large size as well as a...
  3. Waterfins

    Pesky Predators

    I've been having this problem for a while with predators waltzing into my pond and snatching up my fish, it's honestly heartbreaking to wake up the next morning with dead fish corpses covered in flies on your lawn. I usually get ransacked by racoons, neighbourhood cats, foxes and even a freaking...
  4. Waterfins

    Why must my betta be so cute? Gosh darn it, Dragon!

    Why must my betta be so cute? Gosh darn it, Dragon!
  5. Waterfins

    Stocking a 20 gallon aquarium

    30 mg/L (ppm) is where my tap water is at
  6. Waterfins

    Stocking a 20 gallon aquarium

    My boyfriend is planning on setting up a 20 gallon long soon and doesn't really know what he wants in it. So I'm here to ask if anyone knows fish that thrive in a 20 gallon aquarium. Note: The aquarium is NOT set up yet so please don't ask for the PH of my water or something similar to that. I...
  7. Waterfins

    I'm worried I did something wrong

    The Nitrite is at 0 ppm, the ammonia is at 0.25 ppm and the nitrate is at 0 ppm
  8. Waterfins

    I'm worried I did something wrong

    I just got my crowntail betta and placed him in his heated 2.5 gallon tank after acclimating him to the water. I set this aquarium up weeks before and tested the water, the PH was 7.0 and the temperature stays around 25 degrees Celsius. I also added some bacteria supplement. After a few days he...
  9. Waterfins

    Good Light Fixtures For A 75 Gallon Planted Aquarium?

    Is there any specific kinds of floating plants you'd recommend? 
  10. Waterfins

    Good Light Fixtures For A 75 Gallon Planted Aquarium?

    A green terror cichlid and I'm not sure, I've never really done a planted aquarium to be honest. Though I have heard that cichlids are a bit rough with plants.
  11. Waterfins

    Good Light Fixtures For A 75 Gallon Planted Aquarium?

    I plan to start a 75 gallon planted aquarium, does anyone know a good brand of aquarium lights to use for it? Also does anyone know any hardy plants that can sustain a bit of wear and tear from a large fish?   
  12. Waterfins

    Can Two Green Terrors Be Housed Together?

    I was thinking a heavily weeded (live plants), with lots of hiding places made of rocks or fake rocks since cichlids tend to be territorial in a 75 gallon tank. Unless 75 gallons is pushing it?
  13. Waterfins

    Can Two Green Terrors Be Housed Together?

    I have done research on this fish and found out they're aggressive, I was wondering if two could be housed together in a large aquarium or if they would fight to the death and I just shouldn't bother. I have also been really interested in getting a Green Terror or a Jack Dempsey and I'm...