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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. Ammolite

    Preparing for a female betta sorority tank

    Haha its hard to find good LPS in the UK so I count myself lucky there, but yours is a while away! I already have the tank yes, i've had it for a while in 'storage' as it was a late birthday present~ One of the Corys, the pepper, I've had since i started my fish keeping hobby(almost at 9...
  2. Ammolite

    Preparing for a female betta sorority tank

    As i am moving to a new village, the LFS happens to sell a fantastic range of young female bettas and it was a tuff decision but I definitely want to create an aquascape sorority tank. The tank will not be set up until i have moved in and will be fully cycled before adding in the girls. The LFS...
  3. Ammolite

    Quickly advancing finrot, help!

    His fins are turning dull in colour around where the tears have now appeared so i suspect this to be the white fuzziness perhaps? I've never experiences a fuzzy look as such, more jagged edges with all my beta's whom have had fin rot. Is Melafix no good to use then? It got recommended to me not...
  4. Ammolite

    Quickly advancing finrot, help!

    About 3 weeks ago i 'rescued' a betta from my local pet store, he was being sold as a half moon but clearly wasn't (He's actually a delta tail upon further research) He was significantly smaller then any betta i'd seen being sold at the store, so i suspected he was a juvenile. He was sitting at...
  5. Ammolite

    Trellimars Battle With Dropsy (Advice Appreciated!)

    Thank you, both of you :) <3    Thank you Lyra, after looking at it yeah it does seem a little like that, and immune systems failing seems like a logical reasoning as to why it happened so quickly :c I currently have another betta fish Omega :) His names Ammonite and is an unknown breed and...
  6. Ammolite

    Trellimars Battle With Dropsy (Advice Appreciated!)

    Day 2 He later died this evening after putting up such a good fight <3 My precious boy, I sat with him till it was over. Swim in peace <3    Does this occur in Dropsy? I know it can do weird things to fish, but Trellimars tail rapidly turned grey and disintegrated at the ends. I don't know if...
  7. Ammolite

    Trellimars Battle With Dropsy (Advice Appreciated!)

    Thanks to help in a previous topic I found that my betta, Trellimar, is suffering from the early signs of dropsy. I moved him straight into a hospital tank (3Gallon) to try and improve his condition and hopefully, save him. I thought id post a topic on his situation for advice, and as a daily...
  8. Ammolite

    Sick Betta?

    Trellimar is currently in a hospital tank (with heater) and being treated for suspected dropsy, as he now has most of the symptoms of it :c   I used to have both more cory's and ottos' but they all died and these are the ones who remain (i refuse to get more until i upgrade my tank size...
  9. Ammolite

    Sick Betta?

    UPDATE: He has not eaten anything and his scales are now risen so they're 'pinecone' like, the other betta/fish are still unaffected... He's resting on the bottom of the tank more now then the top, i feel like I'm loosing him.  I've got anti-stress in there now too to try and help.    No...
  10. Ammolite

    Sick Betta?

    Also, as seen in the pics my tank does have cyanobacteria in it, to which i still haven't managed to get rid of completely
  11. Ammolite

    Sick Betta?

    Firstly, thank you so much for your reply~   For the salt i only add in two tea spoons (that treats only 1/4 of the tank) as i was recommended to use the salt but i don't like using too much~ As for the food thank you! I will be buying those brands later on this evening to see if they help perk...
  12. Ammolite

    Betta Identification Help Needed

    So i recently brought a new boy, Ammolite (named after the rainbow gemstone) he lost some of his tail to a filter accident in the store but has been making great progress so far, he's lively and loveable and the prettiest betta i have!  I just don't know what breed he is! I got him as a...
  13. Ammolite

    Sick Betta?

    I have two male betta fish in one 30L tank, divided by thick mesh, Ammolite (an unknown breed) and Trellimar (A huge royal blue half-moon) They cannot see each other at all, just to give some basic information as the sickness hasn't come from stress from each other.   Trellimar for the past two...