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    I’ve got Fry!!!! But am I drowning them

    Hopefully someone sees this! But so far I think they’re doing ok. I’m adding “first bites” a little bit at a time to not foul the water
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    I’ve got Fry!!!! But am I drowning them

    Thanks for your reply - I have changed the water now and will stow the Methylene blue for next time around. I see them trying to swim up to the surface or at least “glass surf” and they can’t quite make it to the top.Perhaps that’s an age thing and they’ll get there. I just measured the depth...
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    I’ve got Fry!!!! But am I drowning them

    So I have About 30 Fry hatched 3 days ago. This side-car tank is about 6” deep and it has an inlet and an outlet, so water cycles from the main tank to the side tank, then back out slowly, keeping it fresh. However... I worry that this water level is too deep, for the cory to develop their...
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    I discovered an albino cory fry in my filter box, he seems fine, but HELP!! Photos attached!

    Hi everyone. Well, the miracle of life... My albino cory female has been laying eggs and I've been trying to hatch them for months. I've tried all manner of nets, sectioned off plastic containers, etc. To no avail. They either get fungus'd and die or get eaten by other fish. Well today on my...
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    A question but more importantly a big update!

    Saw the pleco already chowing down on one group of the eggs :(
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    A question but more importantly a big update!

    Next question is. How do I keep them from getting eaten? Will these be a delicacy for any of my other tank dwellers?? Thanks for the help. I’m glad they’re not bacteria or something! I think the tank’s doing pretty well!
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    A question but more importantly a big update!

    No snails in the tank... I figured fish eggs would’ve been in the dense foliage or something not on glass! There’s standard tropical... like zebra danio, Cardinal tetra, BN pleco, Cory cat, harlequin raspbora and red eye tetra.
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    A question but more importantly a big update!

    Hey everyone! Long time, no post. It’s been a long busy year. I’ve been continuing to grow and develop my fresh water tropical tank thanks to all your guidance and help, especially Byron of course! I have uploaded 3 pictures to the public IMGUR linked above...
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    Months later I still can't keep bottom feeders alive!!??

    so in reading about the MLS/MTS I see that their population can explode and go from a half dozen to dozens or more in relatively short order. Do you have that problem Byron or do you see that as a problem? I want to get them as they do seem incredibly hard to kill, but after reading some horror...
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    Betta caught in gravel syphon

    I did this accidentally to one of my beloved GBR's.. He also died a few hours later. Hit the sand substrate like a ton of bricks when I panicked and pulled the siphon out of the water. We do the best we can for our aquatic friends under our care. Sometimes we make mistakes.
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    Months later I still can't keep bottom feeders alive!!??

    So I will get a group of Cories and place them in the upstairs tank. I assume they will be just fine up there. This is definitely isolated to the downstairs tank. Are Malaysian live bearing snails the MTS I see around? Malaysian trumpet snail? If they're good w/ soft and acidic water like mine...
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    Months later I still can't keep bottom feeders alive!!??

    Byron, I only have a Betta fish and several snails in the upstairs tank. The Betta never messes with the snails, so I guess that's good. I haven't had cories upstairs so I maybe I should do that. I have read that the very low pH will make snails not even want to come out of their shell (maybe...
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    Months later I still can't keep bottom feeders alive!!??

    Well, my Corys have all passed away. The other fish, my column swimmers, are doing just fine. I also can't keep snails alive in the downstairs tank,but the upstairs tank they thrive. So I tested the water again. The ONLY difference between the tanks is the upstairs tank (10gal) somehow has a bit...
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    New inhabitants: GBR, and cats!

    Hi all. I just wanted to share some of my new tank inhabitants for my 50g. I never saw skunk cory cats before so I had to get 6 of them, and I picked up 2 GBRs to accompany my lonely EBR (his mate died). So far, 10 days in, all are doing well and seem happy. It's so weird to see a column...
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    Months later I still can't keep bottom feeders alive!!??

    Hi everyone. Just wanted to update... I did a big 35% water change and decided to try catfish one last time. I was at the LFS and saw they had a type of Cory I've never seen before, a "Skunk Cory", and got 6 of them along with 2 GBR They're still doing great and eating very well. The existing...
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    Months later I still can't keep bottom feeders alive!!??

    OK, thanks for all the advice, I really need to find a better way of changing the water than the buckets, but that isn't as wasteful as the Python system. My sink is pretty far from the fish tank and so the water pressure isn't very strong for the siphon. (and it's so wasteful). Next time I'm...
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    Months later I still can't keep bottom feeders alive!!??

    Thanks all. I can probably ask my LFS to do 2 or 3 per bag, they will accommodate that, I am sure. Byron, do you move decor at all to clean? I have also been "raking" the sand gently with my fingers to ensure that there aren't any of those bacteria pockets in the sand forming. I have read that...
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    Months later I still can't keep bottom feeders alive!!??

    Hey everyone. Well months after my last die off I have rebuilt the tank and have now been running the following fish with zero losses: 8 Cardinal Tetra 8 Harlequin Raspbora 5 GlowLight Tetra 3 White Cloud Mtn Minnow 2 EBR specs: 55 gallon 3' tank. 6.2-6.4 pH ~5ppm Nitrate read 0 Nitrite...
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    Well it's been a while but my bottom dwellers are dying...

    Well, several issues resolved themselves (pleco, clown loaches are DOA). I am down to the same 6 cardinals, 6 harlequins and 1 lone panda catfish. I treated with Melafix for the last week and the fish look good on the outside, anyway. No signs of parasite or fungus. They're eating well, and...
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    Well it's been a while but my bottom dwellers are dying...

    I tested my source water, both de-gassed or not (because I know you'll ask!) and came up with relatively the same answer. The nitrate source is tank-based. The tank is what I'd consider medium-dense planted, here is a picture I took tonight (color is funny b/c it's in "sunset" mode for 20 mins...
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    Well it's been a while but my bottom dwellers are dying...

    Byron, I did a full chemical panel today including my fancy new SeaChem Free + Total ammonia test kit. Nitrates: 20~ ppm Nitrites: 0 ppm pH: ~6.2 GH: 50-100 ppm KH: 100-200 ppm TOTAL ammonia: 1.0 mg/L FREE ammonia: 0.0 mg/L Reference sample of 1.0 mg/L total ammonia: tested at 1.0...
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    Well it's been a while but my bottom dwellers are dying...

    Slowly, one by one. No signs of parasite or infection. No new fish have been added to this tank in over 3 months. No new anything, really... Water parameters all check out. Nitrates, nitrites, ammonia are within tolerance, GH and KH haven't changed in months. Smell test is fine. Pleco, Clown...
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    Help stocking 60 gallon

    I have to back everyone else up on the sand. It's more difficult to clean, to be sure, but well worth the added caution you must take when doing water changes and trying to keep the substrate clean. Besides, the Cories do a pretty good job of that, anyway. The only thing I really have to look...
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    Is my powerhead causing my fish to die?

    OK, I think it's pretty well settled then, I overconditioned the water which led to fish stress and ultimately a couple of losses. I will add the conditioner to the tank before refilling and will also make sure it's only for the amount of water changed. Nothing else really seems to make sense...
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    Is my powerhead causing my fish to die?

    Thanks again everyone for your continued help. I checked my water tonight after work. pH still pretty acidic, doesn't look like it budged from 6.0-6.2, KH same, nitrite nitrate ammonia all good, big difference is in the GH... since adding Aragonite the GH is up quite a bit, at least another...
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    Is my powerhead causing my fish to die?

    Let me see if I can hit all the spots here... To start with I've gone ahead and turned off the PH. No big deal to start it up again but perhaps the fish could do with less current. I have the Emperor at roughly its lowest setting. The water surface is moved pretty well by the flow of the...
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    Is my powerhead causing my fish to die?

    Side view of the tank... from L to R, Emperor 400 on the opposite side, heater + PH on this side Lethargic cory cat #1... the pellets I dropped in, previously, he had been loving those things... of course I also fed "bottom feeder tablets" that my other Cories have eaten for a year and have...
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