Search results

  1. S

    Can Anyone Identify This Fish?

    Thanks for the identification.   He was the only one of his kind at the store ... I'd be happy to buy him some tank-mates ... do they have to look just like him (i.e. could I just get some regular zebra danios?) or do I have to try to track down fish that look just like him?
  2. S

    Can Anyone Identify This Fish?

    Can anyone identify this fish?  He was alone at the store and I brought him home, but the store attendants were kind of clueless about what was what...   [Edit: he's like 1.75 inches long]
  3. mysteryfish.jpg


  4. S

    Gourami Community Problem?

    Hi Everyone -   I'm just getting back into the hobby after years away. I was at the store today and decided to bring home 2 blue gouramis and 2 pearl gouramis to add to a 30 gallon tank that is otherwise inhabited by Kuhli loaches.   The store attendant assured me the gouramis would get along...