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    Whats The Worst Advice You've Been Given?

     A while ago i was having algae issues and i go into my LFS to get advice. I was told to put two common plecos in my 40Gal tank as they wont excede 4 inches and i had a 40Gal tank so i could easily have 8 inches of fish plus whatever else id like 
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    40 Gallon Stocking

      I have never had issues, and I do not stir the sand.  I had fine gravel for 15 years before I ventured into sand, and now I wish I'd done it sooner.  So long as it is not deep (the sand in the 40g pictured is about 1 inch in front and 1.5-2 inches at the back), though in my 90g it is 2-3...
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    40 Gallon Stocking

    I have a small peacock eel in a 40 gallon with a pair of gouramis and 5 tetras with no problems whatsoever. if you're wanting an interesting fish, add a peacock eel would be great! they tend to stay to themselves in my experience but can be quite active and playful too.
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    Interesting Gourami Behaviour

    Im pretty sure its a male female pair, ive owned these two for about 2 months and ive never seen any sort of bullying between the two. it does come out to swim and feed and the two can be seen swimming together happily or being in the same area with no problems whatsoever. after looking closely...
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    Interesting Gourami Behaviour

     So I own a pair of dwarf Gouramis that I keep in a 40 gallon with some tetras and shrimps.     One of the Gouramis has a very peculiar spot to hangout, It likes to sit vertically face to the gravel in between the corner of the tank and a plastic plat that it constantly digs up. overall it looks...
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    Peacock Eel Compatibility?

    The dimensions are 32"x14"x18", and yes i do have a sand substrate. 
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    Adding Ghost Shrimp/mystery Snail To 5G Betta Tank

    Personally i've had success keeping betta and snails together. I've briefly kept shrimp and a betta together during a recent move and they stayed together quite peacefully for about a month. Generally if the shrimp have lots of hiding places and the betta is well fed and non-aggressive towards...
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    Peacock Eel Compatibility?

    Im looking to stock my 35 Gallon aquarium with a peacock eel, but i'm also looking for one or two compatible tankmates. I'm also looking to plant the aquarium a bit and already have plenty of hiding places and caves made to be put into the aquarium, and help or advice would be very appreciated