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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. PennyHardie

    An Addiction!

    Thanks guys, this has been really helpful. I will change some filter media and put it in the new tank and run the new tank empty of fish etc until it is all sorted out. I was going to pit half the old substrate in the new tank and then top them both up. I have been using a fairly large gravel...
  2. PennyHardie

    An Addiction!

    Your help here has been fantastic... so fantastic that I am obsessed  with my fish tank and have ordered another slightly bigger one, hoping to run them both. I am going to transfer the fish in the first tank to the new one. Am I right in assuming that I should put all the eater in from the...
  3. PennyHardie

    How Long Should I Have The Light On For?

    My tank is near a window but out of direct sunlight. It had a light also. How long should the light be switched on for each day? If it is on for too long do I stress the fish?
  4. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    My nitrites and ammonia have been at zero for days now, so I am a happy girl. 25% water changes every fortnight as suggested from now on.
  5. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    Great news.... my nitrites are now down to an acceptable level. So far no babies have been eaten and my ratios of males to female are spot on.... i am going to relax and enjoy it for a while. Thank you everyone for the help and advice!
  6. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    I am delighted to report that at last the nitrite and nitrate levels are showing signs of going down. The mollies and platies seem to be doing well (and now up to 6 baby mollies). The plants are growing and all the fish are getting along... and I am wasting hours just watching them!
  7. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    Wow thank you! I am going to stick with what I have which are 4 mollies and three platies. The mollies have already had babies so I am worried about over stocking already! I was going to get some shrimp but was told they might climb out of the tank, which is partly open to the air. Is this true?
  8. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    I am still battling with my nitrites but added a few mollies and platies to try and kick start some action. The aquatic centre that I bought them from were really helpful and suggested that these were best for hard water and are pretty hardy. They also advised on having a mix of male and female...
  9. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    Thank you, maybe i will take a look at the place where I am going and see what else they recommend. I am glad you didn't rule out my guppies though... I love them!
  10. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    I live in a hard water area. I have a 55l tank and after doing some research was thinking about 6 guppies (male) a couple of dwarf gouramis and 3 or 4 Cory (these are pretty hardy). I was going to start with the cory and then add the others. There is a great place near to me that has been...
  11. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    Thank you. A proper testing kit  it is and then I will see how to proceed from there, also thank you for the link to tank recycling. It is worrying that in Pets at Home where I bought the tank said just set it up and leave it for three days... I could have dead fish all over the place. They...
  12. PennyHardie

    Nitrites And Nitrates In My New Tank

    I have decided to start keeping fish. I have set up my tank with real plants and used Tapsafe when I added the water. I put in flints from the garden which I washed thoroughly having checked that they are suitable for tropical fresh water tanks. The nitrate and nitrite readings are really high...