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  1. SorryEh

    New thin aquarium

    Hello, I recently came across an idea for an aquarium. It would be tall but narrow, of course with the small surface area I would need to figure something out to increase the oxygen. The dimensions as of right now would be 42"x 36"x6" which puts it around 40 gallons water capacity. Ideas to...
  2. SorryEh

    Peacock Cichlid not eating

    Long Awaited update! The last official count I had was 27, and I have not had a single one die on me that I know of. They were all transferred to a 10 gallon tank just over a week ago. They just had a massive growth spurt and are 1/2 an inch long or so. The mother has another brood of babies, I...
  3. SorryEh

    Peacock Cichlid not eating

    My latest count by a hidden camera is 30-32 babies, I have 2 that have died so 28-30 there should be. She is having trouble keeping them as they are swimming away, she has accidentally killed one by ramming it into the glass attempting to catch it. All the babies that have run away and hidden I...
  4. SorryEh

    Peacock Cichlid not eating

    Update: The eggs have hatched! She let 3 babies out a couple minutes ago and saw them briefly, setup a camera beside the tank to see if I can get a good look at them :D
  5. SorryEh

    Peacock Cichlid not eating

    My current plan is to let them stay with the mother as long as possible but stripping is likely what I will have to do, I have read it is much more "humane" instead of leaving the mother to hold all those babies and not eat for so long. The mother does not seem weak yet and still moves around...
  6. SorryEh

    Peacock Cichlid not eating

    Update, she was separated without any trouble and is much more calm and free swimming being in her own environment. she is getting pretty full, her mouth is almost opening enough for me to see inside. The other fish are not too happy with her being separated (apart from the BN plecos, they keep...
  7. SorryEh

    What was your first tank?

    My first tank was a little 10 gallon with a gourami and some sort of tetra, I believe there was also a common pleco (oh lordy). Lets just say they all did not live happy or long lives, but to be fair to me I was like 6. Honestly I am very disappointed in all the fish keeping I did up until like...
  8. SorryEh

    Peacock Cichlid not eating

    It will be very easy to separate her, I just have to put the divider in since she spends most of her time in one area now, I have a sponge filter on the way as well.
  9. SorryEh

    Peacock Cichlid not eating

    When should I assume the eggs have been fertilized, I have not seen any mating activity this week (granted I am gone for quite a few hours a day, I read after around a week she would spit them out if they weren't fertilized, it has now been one week, how long should I wait before separating...
  10. SorryEh

    Peacock Cichlid not eating

    Awesome this is the situation I was hoping for. I will monitor her closely to see if I can see anything, guess I will have to get the baby supplies out :D
  11. SorryEh

    Peacock Cichlid not eating

    I don't think it has a mouthful of eggs honestly, I am almost certain it is a male, but if it did its hard to tell. I have attempted to feed it frozen zucchini, (what I feed them as a treat once a week or so) and it wanted to take it but wouldn't. Photo down below, also took this video: I...
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  13. SorryEh

    Peacock Cichlid not eating

    So this the third day of noticing my orange blotched peacock not eating. It will swim up to any food I feed them (pellets or fresh veggies) and look like it wants to eat them but doesn't open their mouth at all just kind of bumps it. The fish is showing no stress or abnormal behaviour and is not...
  14. SorryEh

    Mbuna tank

    Usually if you use a simple program like paint you can resize camera photos down to 1920x1080 which is still a good size, just look for a resize feature :D
  15. SorryEh

    Jaw stuck open

    So I had that fish on one side of the tank separated with a divider, how long should I wait to open that side back up to everyone else? I just cleaned the sand and removed all the décor to be cleaned.
  16. SorryEh

    Jaw stuck open

    I am getting slightly concerned with one of the fish, actually another yellow lab. He is acting not normal at all, he is chasing every single fish in the tank including the BN plec's which he never does and keeps attacking the glass. Could this just be because of the raise in temperature? this...
  17. SorryEh

    Jaw stuck open

    Okay sounds good, I will keep updates on how everyone is doing in the tank, everything seems fine as of right now
  18. SorryEh

    Jaw stuck open

    Okay I will do that big change and a gravel clean. I did already bury him but if I do have another go down I will see if I can get it necropsied. He did show all the signs of TB, which is incredibley worrisome because I was handling him and correct me if I am wrong this is one of the diseases...
  19. SorryEh

    Jaw stuck open

    Sadly he passed away, my huge concern now is preventing whatever this is from spreading. I looked over him after he passed and he looked entirely health. A week before this he started digging out a corner of the tank and another one of my fish is now digging out a corner which they never do and...
  20. SorryEh

    Jaw stuck open

    Its too late for him I think, he can't move, seems paralyzed, all he can do is breath
  21. SorryEh

    Jaw stuck open

    Okay, I will try to get that, How do I prevent the other fish from getting this? He is separated but they are still in the same water.
  22. SorryEh

    Jaw stuck open

    He is separate from all other fish for about a month now. What should I do once I notice him going down hill?
  23. SorryEh

    Jaw stuck open

    Wow not a good week for me. I am currently dealing with possible Ich, but the yellow lab that was scratching the most now has his jaw stuck open. This could have happened in the last 20 hours but likely in the last 6. The biggest issue is, he will not eat and is not aggressive at all ( he...
  24. SorryEh

    Pleco won’t eat

    Could be a couple more days until he eats, fish take awhile to calm down. Also make sure the light is off, plecos prefer to eat in the dark. Fish can survive a long time without food :D
  25. SorryEh

    Possible Parasites....

    One of the cichlids is showing extremely weird swimming patterns, he is darting in circles in the middle of the tank, it could just be due to the increased breeding interest there has been between him and a female, but it is quite rapid. He is eating and does not have any visible signs on him of...
  26. SorryEh

    Possible Parasites....

    I will research that, thanks. It's only one of them I have seen use the sand, the rest use the rocks
  27. SorryEh

    Possible Parasites....

    Update, I have done 75% water change, cleaned the entire filter (boy was it a mess, I hadn't messed with it since I got the tank so the bacteria could get full established, lets just say I should of cleaned it weeks ago) scrubbed the glass, and put nice fresh water in. The temperature is at 85...
  28. SorryEh

    Possible Parasites....

    Sounds good, I am starting the heat treatment right now. I run carbon in my filter currently. Still no visible signs of anything on them, I am going to start heating it up after this water change I am going to do.
  29. SorryEh

    Possible Parasites....

    Thank you for the reply. I will certainly do a massive water change in the morning and do all the steps you said, I will raise the temperature when I get my new air pump tomorrow. I just fed everyone and did an inspection and there is no gold like sheen or white spots on anyone...yet. One...
  30. SorryEh

    Ideas for cat hair?

    How to get your skin torn open in one easy step!
  31. SorryEh

    Possible Parasites....

    The last fish to not show signs just did it twice, it is now everyone.
  32. SorryEh

    Possible Parasites....

    I forgot to add one thing odd I have noticed, two of the cichlids have had extremely heavy breathing in the past 2 days, I assumed this was because my aerator died 2 days ago and the aeration is pretty low right now (Don't worry new one coming tomorrow) but I thought I should add this incase it...
  33. SorryEh

    Possible Parasites....

    I noticed 2 weeks ago one of my cichlids scratched its head area against a rock twice and I did not think much of it. I now have noticed 4 fish do it at least twice and one fish has done it 3 or 4 times so I am pretty sure there is some sort of parasite. There is no visible parasite on any of...
  34. SorryEh

    Ideas for cat hair?

    The hair that floats around in the air likes to get stuck to my wet arm then I put it in the tank and it swims free :) The aqua clears are nice because I can see the hair when it gets stuck onto the intake :/
  35. SorryEh

    Ideas for cat hair?

    This is actually a real problem, not matter how tight a lid I have an how much I clean myself before doing tank work CAT HAIR ALWAYS GETS IN, I swear cat hair has a mind of its own
  36. SorryEh

    Getting back into the hobby

    If you really want a betta you could house one in a 5 gallon tank, you can probably set up a beautiful betta tank for under 100 euros (not familiar with prices in the UK, sorry)
  37. SorryEh

    New to aquariums, and I just have some questions :)

    One thing that's good about using your own water is you know exactly what chemicals have been added and know that you have done the right doseage of dechlorinator
  38. SorryEh

    New to aquariums, and I just have some questions :)

    It depends on what country you live in for the liquid ammonia, here in Canada you can get it from somewhere like Wal-Mart or Safeway (I have no had to do a cycle like this in over 10 years so I am not sure the best product to get now). If your pet store offers pre-declorinated water for a good...
  39. SorryEh

    New to aquariums, and I just have some questions :)

    I use my well water for my aquarium so I don't need to dechlor it, if you are on city water then you will need to use dechlorinator as they add chlorine to the water which is deadly to fish. You can pick up many tests from any aquarium store and chain stores. I personally recommend the API...
  40. SorryEh

    Rot or Not?

    To add to what Colin said, fin rot is usually obvious, the fish will have a fuzzy look to its fins that looks like rot