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  1. H

    Quarantine Tank For 5 Amno Shrimp

    my main tank has just recently got ich not sure how and I;m gonna treat with aquria sol due to having corys but my main question is would a 2 gallon established tank be enough for 5 amnao shrimp for a week or more? dont really know what to do don't got the money to buy a new tank.  
  2. H

    Algae Eater In Community 30 Gallon Long

    Mines just starting so idk if a picture would help but ya it looks like that at the moment it's a bit more thin but I just want to keep it in control it looks more thread like at the moment
  3. H

    Algae Eater In Community 30 Gallon Long

    It's a 30 gallon long and it's hair algae on my caBomba plant and some on the glass
  4. H

    Algae Eater In Community 30 Gallon Long

    I'm trying to decide what would be a good algae eater for my tank I have a soft water and I like royal farolwella catfish but I'm just worried if I got one if he would out grow or not clean algae off my plants leaves because of being to big .down for any suggestions or tips thanks in advance
  5. H

    Wanting A Cichlid In Community

    I thought I'd let you all know I found two beautiful electric blue rams that I bought I instantly fell for the colour. I'm not sure on sex but hoping it's 2 females or a pair I couldn't find any of those dwarf flag cichlids around but these two are quite nice
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    Wanting A Cichlid In Community

    I have two honey gouramis
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    Wanting A Cichlid In Community

    I have a community tank setup up with heavy plant life and a current stocking of 2 honeys 6 golden pencil fish 10 rummynose tetra 2 otos 3 amano shrimp and 3 sparkling gouramis. I've been wanting to get a cichlid forever and this tank has been going good for awhile now I was wondering if I could...
  8. H

    Want Some Suggestions On New 30 Gallon Setup

    I just got a 30 gallon long and moved everything from my 10 gallon into it which is 2 honey Gouramis, 6 peppered Corys, 2 Danios and 3 amano shrimp. it is heavily planted with lots of cover already i was wondering what you guys think I should add fish wise to my tank having a hard time deciding.