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  1. E

    RTS Died suddenly

    I had a rts with similar tank mates. He killed everything. Returned him and everything else lived and still kicking 2 years later. Problem with my plants was too much light got a timer now they are flourishing. In my opinion no need for co2 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    My bosemani

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. E

    Two years now

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    What's up

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    not new but want new addition

    so it has been two years now since joining and starting my fish tank. have all starting fish with exception of ones red tail shark took out..and the redtail shark. was thinking about an eel i added two rainbow fish so beautiful. any suggestions on live food. and can i use earth worms or grubs to...
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    Been A Few Weeks Things Have Settled Down

    hell again  well it has been awhile since i have posted and alot has happened. soooo where to start all my fish are settled in and enjoying life in the tank. i added some serpae tetras and another store called them black skirt tetras so idk???? that is one question. sitting watching these fish...
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    Dwarf Gourami, Do Not Know The Kind Of Algae Eater

    your right dang it the guys at planet catfish said a common plec or "florida plec" was hoping it was not one. they said the stripes on dorsal threw them off but still think it will be about 14-18 "   so how long does it take to get that big? dang thanks guys
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    Dwarf Gourami, Do Not Know The Kind Of Algae Eater

    paid about 5-6 cant remember guy just shoved a net in the tank and whipped some out i was like dang!!!! here are two more pics thought it was a tiger plec on pc  going to log on and try to get an answer to confirm yall some knowledgeable peeps thanks again
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  14. E

    Rts And Aquarium Shot

    barbs and white clouds leaves tiger barbs alone and leaves gouramis alone probably going to move it to a single tank went by compatibility charts i found on
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    Dwarf Gourami, Do Not Know The Kind Of Algae Eater

    thanks ill look that one up was told something else. trying to find a better lfs than petsmart or pet supplies plus. mostly saltwater joints in bham
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    Rts And Aquarium Shot

    first setup and my viciuos RTS
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    [email protected]

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    Dwarf Gourami, Do Not Know The Kind Of Algae Eater

    one of two dwarf gouramis would like to know what type of algae eater that is
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  23. E

    A Few Questions

    have a 118gal tank relatively few fish. my aquascape is minimal i know you can use driftwood and such after you prepare it but can you you use old reclaimed hard wood lumber if you treated it the same way? also any ideas for bottom of tank swimmers thought kuhli loaches but have a rock substrate...
  24. E

    Is Reclaimed Lumber Safe

    have a 118gal tank relatively few fish. my aquascape is minimal i know you can use driftwood and such after you prepare it but can you you use old reclaimed hard wood lumber if you treated it the same way? also any ideas for bottom of tank swimmers thought kuhli loaches but have a rock substrate...
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    New To The Hobby

    thanks for the info guys have a picture of my pleco warming my five and three year old up to returning cheese muffin the shark going to get a feeder and i do test every day RTS constantly hounds my cherry barbs leaves my white clouds emerald tigers and dwarf gouramis alone thanks love this site...
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    New To The Hobby

    new to the hobby someone gave us a 118 gallon tank. i did my homework and threw away his filters and thoroughly cleaned and re sealed the tank. it has been up and running for three months about 6 weeks with fish. everybody seems healthy . one cherry barb keeps racing up and down the tank side in...