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    Help With Stocking Please? (Kinda Long - Sorry!)

    I believe I posted this one first and it wasn't getting too many answers, that's why I made a second. Then they both got answers - whoops
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    Help With Stocking Please? (Kinda Long - Sorry!)

    Thanks for the input!I'm actually leaning towards a little school (shoal?) Of pygmy corydoras (atleast 8) 1 or 2 snails and 2 or 3 cherry shrimp let me know what you think?
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    Stock My 10 Gal

    Your tank is lovely.. how do you keep the plants from getting stuck in the filter? Also could you clarify what you mean by 'upper fish'? Like ones that swim near the top? It wouldnt be over stocking to have 8 corys and 8 rasboras?
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    Stock My 10 Gal

    You're so helpful - thank you! It seems like pygmy corys would be the best bet. If I had a sand substrate, live plants and hiding spots would that be a good ecosystem for 8 dwarf corys aND a few snails? I wouldn't mind having the fish eat the fry, I just don't want the adults getting picked to...
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    Stock My 10 Gal

    On my water suppliers site they said they had 'a soft water of 6.8 pH." I was reading up on sparkling gouramis and dwarf corydoras. However I heard of them eating snails and shrimp - is this true? I don't want any murders! Someone also said that cory requires sand, true? Would a tank wit 4 or 5...
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    Stock My 10 Gal

    I don't have the tank yet - I'm pre planning for college this fall where I'll be allowed a 10 gal. I could get whichever 10 gal fits the fish. The water in my area is on the soft side. Again, I don't have any snails yet but I really like the looks of them in aquariums. I had a few on my 75 gal...
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    Stock My 10 Gal

    I'm looking for freshwater fish to stock in a 10 gal. Can you help? Requirements: Freshwater (heated or unheated doesn't matter as long as all the fish need the same thing.) Non agressive (won't nip at each other.) Gets along with snails Not heavy breeders (or can be specifically all...
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    Help With Stocking Please? (Kinda Long - Sorry!)

    First question: Don't go for multiple bettas in the same tank. I've read where people say okay to have multiple bettas, but I've heard its really hard to do and can only be done with females. Wouldn't suggest it because you need a larger tank then ten gallons, and if this is your first tank you...
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    Help With Stocking Please? (Kinda Long - Sorry!)

    So its OKAY to have multiple bettas? If I had one male and say one female they would have no chance of fightng? Do you think the male would pressure the female for mating and such? Also, what kind of tank do bettas like? You often see them in tiny plant jars, but do they like tunnels and...
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    Help With Stocking Please? (Kinda Long - Sorry!)

    Hi! Please be gentle as I am new to the fish world. The closest I've come to being a fish enthusiast is buying a feeder fish for my turtle, dumping it in, having a panic attack, fishing it out (pun intended) and them running back to the store in tears asking them to 'put it back.' So ya i...