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  1. T

    Planning On Starting A 40Gallon Planted Tank

    Lol my spell check correct "kribs" to "Irish". On the matter of gh and kh, my house does not draw from a municipal water source. We draw from a well that is about 10-15 years old. Anyway i could get a gh or kh reading on that?
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    Planning On Starting A 40Gallon Planted Tank

    Thanks, nice to know that people have had success with them. I just wanted to double check. Any suggestions on what I should put with 10 neons and a dwarf gourami? I 've gotten a lot of suggestions for cories but would like to know the exact amount I should put in with them. Also I was thinking...
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    Planning On Starting A 40Gallon Planted Tank

    Anyone have any thoughts on tissue culture plants? Are they a good idea. I would really like to avoid having a lo of snails in my tank, so I thought that these would be a good idea, but I wanted to get some input first. Thanks.
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    Planning On Starting A 40Gallon Planted Tank

    Hi, kribs would work and are a good starter cichlid as not v. aggressive and a community cichlid but again sand is preferable as some of their eating is done by sifting sand through their gills, they also sometimes dig in the sand to make places to rest and for breeding. the most important thing...
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    Planning On Starting A 40Gallon Planted Tank

    Hi, kribs would work and are a good starter cichlid as not v. aggressive and a community cichlid but again sand is preferable as some of their eating is done by sifting sand through their gills, they also sometimes dig in the sand to make places to rest and for breeding. the most important thing...
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    Planning On Starting A 40Gallon Planted Tank

    Yeah, I was definitely going to increase the tetras to about 10 or so, and maybe have 6 or 7 smaller cory cats. The only real problem I have with cories, is that I need sand or really fine gravel, and I don't know how to use sand. I was also considering long fin zebra Danios, however I don't...
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    Planning On Starting A 40Gallon Planted Tank

    Ok, thanks for the input. I will probably want to make a community around the dwarf and neons then.
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    Planning On Starting A 40Gallon Planted Tank

          I would like to make a community aquarium. My tap water is 7.6 ph, and usually is a zero for all ammonia and nitrite, and about 5ppm nitrates. I would like some recommendations on the fish, but i was thinking of, if i couldn't get the red tail, moving my current fish, a dwarf gourami, and...
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    Planning On Starting A 40Gallon Planted Tank

    So I am planning on starting a 40-gallon freshwater planted tank come next December. I figured I would start researching it now so that I would be able to plan everything out (ie. plants, costs, hardware, substrate, etc.) I was wondering what substrates you guys would recommend or any good...
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    Betta In A 10G Community Tank.

    All, right thanks. I might end up putting a few amano or cherry shrimp in with him. I have seen this done before, the king of diy (Joey), has his daughters 5 gallon with a betta and 4 cherry shrimp.
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    Betta In A 10G Community Tank.

    First off, I want to know if this is even possible. If it isn't, I will back off this idea entirely and put my betta in by himself. If it is even possible, I would like to know if I could put 5 neon tetra in with him. I have a separate tank ready in case anything goes south. I will properly...
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    Are There Any Good Ways To Get Good Tanks?

    I have a petco about ten-20 minutes away, and a petsmart about 40 minutes away. I couldn't find anything on the websites but thank you for telling me that the stores could order them.
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    Are There Any Good Ways To Get Good Tanks?

    So I was looking at the tanks that are at the chain pet stores, I don't have anything else in my local area, and all of the tanks are either way over priced or crap. Are there any good ways too procure decent tanks that won't completely empty my wallet? I received my first tank as a gift, so I...
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    Stocking Options

    Okay, thanks.
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    Stocking Options

    you guys got any suggestions, or do you think I'm fine?
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    Stocking Options

    nuetral as the ph is 7.0 and as far as I know my salt content is a 0, I don't know how to test for it.
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    Stocking Options

    It is a ten gallon, 10.5"L x 20.25"W x 19.562"H and my water is neutral. The measurements are in inches.
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    Stocking Options

    *Please Note, I will not be putting new fish in for a few months, until April, or May.   I currently have a ten gallon tank stocked with a Dwarf Gourami, and two guppies. I was wondering what else I might also be able to add in a couple of months. The reason why I am asking now is so that I can...
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    I want to start preparing for when i get my next fish in a few months. My tank is currently stocked with a dwarf gourami, and two guppies. What, if anything, do you think I should stock my tank with besides guppies.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Yep, sorry. I'm still a beginner, so I occasionally mix them up still.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Yep, so I just tested my water and did a water change and my NItrates are going up! Before the water change, Ammonia .25ppm, Nitrate .25ppm. I think my cycle is beginning to have the nitrate spike. After the change both are at zero.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    I'm at 50% every day. When do you think I should start widening the gaps?   Yeah, just tell me when I should. I will keep you guys up on what I'm doing.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Yeah, I put some mesh onto the filter after the guppy died. This show stop any further incidents of the guppies dying. I'm at the point when I can now do 50%s. When should I try a 25%? Also when my tank is finally cycled, what fish should I get to replace the ones that died? This may be thinking...
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Well, a second guppy just suicided into the filter. I managed to get it out but it's in really bad shape. What should I do? my water parameters at the time of the incident are: Ammonia: .25 ppm, and NItrite 0ppm. Should I remove him from the tank. I don't know where I'll put him, I don't have a...
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Okay, thanks. I'll do a 50% tonight to test the water, so to speak.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Cool. Should I keep up the 80% water changes, or go back to 50%?
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Okay, thanks. Tonight was a great landmark. Here's why. Water Parameters: Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrite 0ppm. Yay!
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Yeah I agree. But the thing that worries me is that the nitrate isn't going up, here's my current water parameters Ammonia .25ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, and Nitrate 5ppm as usual.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Water parameters: Ammonia 0-.25ppm(gravitating towards zero) Nitrite 0ppm.  
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    yep, you were right. I just did another 50% water change to eliminate the rest of the ammonia. I will test everything again except for ph and nitrate in a few minutes.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    I mean, this was a great improvement from this morning, as I was Ammonia 2.0, and Nitrite .25. My Nitrates have stayed the same ever since I got the tank, though. I'll let my fish recover before I do another change.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Awright just did the water change and water parameters are; Ammonia .25ppm, Nitrite 0ppm, and Nitrate 5ppm. So should I keep doing the 80% water changes each day. All of my fish are swimming around perfectly naturally, they swim through all of the layers of the tank.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Oh, thats a great idea! Thanks for the input. I'll try it tomorrow.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Water Parameters:  ammonia .50, nitrite 0.0-.25ppm, nitrates 5.0-10ppm (for nitrites and nitrates the colors were sort of in between) I also believe that the 50% water change stressed out that one guppy to the point that it tried to hide in the filter. My gourami also seems to be overly...
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    My remaining guppies are have started acting pretty much normal as far as I can tell right now. They are beginning to frequent the midrange and bottom of the tank, while still retreating to the surface at random. My gourami is sticking to one side of the tank and the guppies are on the other. Is...
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

      Ok, thank you. I will do exactly as you say. Hope this works!  The thing that worries me however, is that the water changes seem to stress out the fish even more. Is this normal, I will do the 8 gallon water change tomorrow but this concerns me. Your thoughts are very appreciated. Thanks.
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    One of my guppies just suicided in the filter intake.  What does this mean for the rest of them?
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    Guppies Are Staying Near Top Of Tank And Refuse To Go Deeper

    Current Water Parameters: Ammonia: .5ppm Nitrite: 0ppm Nitrate 5.0ppm. It has been two weeks since I first began the tank cycling. 