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    Planted Tank Cycling

    Yeah. I have not put the carbon filter in yet. I did not notice that there was a new type of juwel pad till I got back from my lfs when setting the tank up. I was planning to just let it burn it self out and treat as a normal filter pad. So not replace after a month.
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    Planted Tank Cycling

    I just had a thought, This tank has not been running for 5 years. So I bought a complete set of new filter pad from my LFS. It has a Juwel Nitrax filter pad in it for removing Nirate and 3 blue filter pads, instead of the original 4 blue pads. Will this filter pad be throwing off the cycling...
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    Planted Tank Cycling

    Just tested nirate and it is 0.
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    Planted Tank Cycling

    Ph 7.3 - 8 depended on changes in tap water and the scale on the test kit is quite bad. Ammonia and nirite out of the tap are both 0.
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    aquatic animals that clean for us

    I hear Bristlenose plecs or Neriite Snails will eat green spot algae if not over feed. Bristlenose plecs do not work well with sword like plants.
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    Planted Tank Cycling

    Ok, my ammonia is still at 0.5, should I slow down the number of water changes as long as it does not get any higher to help the bacteria eat and grow-then......
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    Planted Tank Cycling

    Ok so the nirate reading inplies in working. Thanks.
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    aquatic animals that clean for us

    I agree 1 Neriite in my 55l tank clear the glass in less then 2 days. But really question is what type of algae are you trying to remove, what size tank and what fish are in the tank.
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    Planted Tank Cycling

    Hey, So have a heavily planted 150l tank, had plants for a week then 4 danios for 3 weeks now. Used API Quick start and washed one of the large filter sponge from one of my other small tanks. Dosing Scheme Flourish for the plants as the bottle describes. So far the Ammonia has climbed to...
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    Hair Algae

    It is a 40cm or 1ft 4in square, I already have ammon shrimp in the tank which I have been told will nible on it.  Not sure if this is true, mine seem not to or the algae is growing faster then they are eating.
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    Hair Algae

    SAE is what I ment by Flying foxes.  As the Tank is only 15 gallons and SAE grow really big, so they are not an option.
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    Hair Algae

    I have a heavily planted 8 month old tank which is starting to get over run with hair algae.  The tank is only 15 gallons, so is too small for flying foxes.  I have issues with high Phosphate in my tap water and I live to far away from my local pet store to get water from them.     Amona 0...
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    Brown Aglae

    Yep I put some oto's in about 2 weeks ago and they done a good job of the top 60% of the Glass and the Large plant but do not seem interested in the rest of the tank so far.
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    Brown Aglae

    Yep, I have been wiping it off the glass and rocks in the tank, and some of the plants but it is starting to effect some of them quite badly.
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    Brown Aglae

    Hey Guys,   I have a 3 month old tank, I have had brown algae for about 2 months now which I know is common for new tanks. My question is how long should I excepted this to continue before I should start to worry?     The Tank is a 15 Gallon square shape, is about 50% stocked and fully planted...
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    15 Gal Stocking Idea

      The book I have from when I set up my aquarium, recomemdes not having Echinodorus based plants in with catfish. I have two types in my aquarium but you applied that yours are fine.  Has anyone had problems?
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    15 Gal Stocking Idea

    Thanks, will look out for some Dwarf/Pigym Cory when I next go to my fish store.
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    15 Gal Stocking Idea

    Have not measured my hardness value but according to my water company it was 15 Degree Clarks last time measured, do not know what that is in GH.   Was looking at bottom fish and saw Oto cats, would you recomemd some of those with or instead of the corys.   I have herd that cory mess/dig up...
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    15 Gal Stocking Idea

    I was planning the add more Harlequins, the thing is I want another group of fish that would stay in the bottom half of the tank, as the Harlequins only seem to swim above the mid line of the tank.   Ideally Top half: 4-8 Harlequins(depending on tetra size) Bottom half: 4-6 Small tetras   Can...
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    15 Gal Stocking Idea

    Hey,   Currently have a 15 Gallon Square planted tank with a 7.4ph containing a 1 male guppy, 4 Glowlight Halquins and 2 Amano Shrimp.  I am looking for ideas for the last 25cm of fish.  currently the top half of my tank has losts of active with most of the fish swiming in that area.  So mainly...
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    Pair Of Male Guppies Fighting

    Thanks for the advice, just checking salt will not harm the plant that in the tank?
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    Pair Of Male Guppies Fighting

    So I am currently cycling my tank using a mixture of filter medium, Api Quick start and a pair of male guppies. So we are 10 days into the cycle my Ammo is almost zero and my Nirite is high but starting to level off.  Also there are lot of plants covering the bottom half of the tank(12Gallon).  ...
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    Aquaone Aquanano

    I am using Api quick start and some old filter medium from my parents tank and fish To support the cycling process. I read that this was a better process then a purely fish or fish less cycle. I am aware of both processes.
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    Aquaone Aquanano

    Yeah, I meant I think I have 10cm of fish I can play with till I hit the limit. Any idea for extra fish that will support my current plan. Also 2 or 3 otto cat?
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    Aquaone Aquanano

    Hey Set up a new 55liter tank, plants are growing. Just added 2 leepod guppies. Currently planning to add slowly the following fish in the future once the tank has finished cycled 2-3 otto catfish 1 amino shrimp 6 red phantom tetra or copper harlequin. I think I have room for 10 cm of fish...
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    Plant Identification

    Hey Guys,   New to this fish keeping, can someone Identify this plant.  HAs greeny brown tops and red bottom leaves and looks like  a stem plant.   Sorry for the picture quality
  27. 2015-12-06 17.48.121.jpg

    2015-12-06 17.48.121.jpg

  28. 2015-12-06 17.48.121.jpg

    2015-12-06 17.48.121.jpg

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    Common Aquarium Plant Guide

    Nice Guide.   Can you help tell me what this Red leafed plant is It looks a brownie green on the top of the leaf and red on the underside.
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    2015-12-06 17.48.121.jpg
