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  1. markanthany

    Detritus Worms? & Dead Shrimp

    Just posting to say that we haven't lost any shrimp since my last post and the tank looks very healthy with growing babies.  I am pretty certain now that the work they did on the pipes after they froze is likely the cause of the spike in ph.  Our ph is still around 8.8 unfortunately straight...
  2. markanthany

    Detritus Worms? & Dead Shrimp

              Alright, so finally got the API liquid test kit and tested our tanks, and our PH is through the roof at 8.8 on some of them.  Though the shrimp tank tested at 7.2 PH, we did lose another cherry the other day.  I'm thinking that it's either generally slightly too high for cherries or...
  3. markanthany

    Detritus Worms? & Dead Shrimp

    Thanks again for all the replies, guys!   I'm currently waiting on the test kit I ordered online so I can find out what my real readings are.  So far, no more dead shrimp and still have the babies swimming around.  Found another nice molt in the tank today.  The water looks clearer now as well...
  4. markanthany

    Detritus Worms? & Dead Shrimp

    Thanks again, everyone.   I am happy to report that this morning there are no more dead shrimp (as of now) and three of the larger babies are still alive that I can see, swimming around and picking the moss balls clean.       Thank you very much for all the information!  I guess I do have an odd...
  5. markanthany

    Detritus Worms? & Dead Shrimp

          So I woke up to find a cherry shrimp dead in the tank this morning.    Although on closer inspection, I can see that a white spot/band had formed along the arch of the shrimp's back, and from what I've read, that's an indication that it was getting ready to molt, and possibly failed to...
  6. markanthany

    Detritus Worms? & Dead Shrimp

    V quoted post below.
  7. markanthany

    Detritus Worms? & Dead Shrimp

      Thanks for the response!    And yeah, I've already decided to stop fiddling with test strips.  I may be able to get a liquid API test today, or if not, probably Friday.  I'll see if I can't find out about the water hardness as well, I just feel more comfortable knowing exactly what the...
  8. markanthany

    Detritus Worms? & Dead Shrimp

      Hey everyone, So I noticed today that I have what I think are some detritus worms.  Edit: and I believe copepods now (insanely tiny white dots that scoot around).  Although what I've read online about them says they're harmless, I've had two shrimp mysteriously die during the past three days...
  9. markanthany

    Dwarf Puffers & Internal Parasites

    Update: So about an hour ago I quarantined the little guy and put some live brine shrimp in there, as well as some in the main tank with the other two puffers.  The other two went crazy after them, the one with questionable health (I think he has parasites too) has a big belly now.  I hope he...
  10. markanthany

    Dwarf Puffers & Internal Parasites

    Ok, so I didn't try to quarantine and feed him last night and I think it was for the best.  He is still alive this morning and moving around more than yesterday which I believe to be a good sign, though it's mostly just drifting with his mouth pointed toward the surface of the water.  So far he...
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  13. markanthany

    Dwarf Puffers & Internal Parasites

      I've never had to deal with worms either before.  I came on to give an update as I believe we have made immense progress tonight, and I hope this will continue to be useful to others.   On the aeration, I did not know that, so I'll do some more reading around on how it affects dwarf puffers...
  14. markanthany

    Dwarf Puffers & Internal Parasites

    Hi all, I'm new here.  I acquired three dwarf puffers three days ago and after a bit of reading, found that the vast majority of them come with internal parasites.  However, I noticed that only maybe one out of the ten threads I had read of people treating their sickly puffers, actually ended...
  15. markanthany

    Cpd's/galaxy Rasbora Killed The Others

      Hooooooly shocker!!  I just looked up a few pictures of machrobachium and now I will be inspecting every 'ghost shrimp' extremely carefully.  That's scary!     None with pincers in the former CPD tank, though.  Hmm.   And yes, I would really like to see that study.  So far all I can find on...
  16. markanthany

    Cpd's/galaxy Rasbora Killed The Others

      Sorry, I didn't explain the LFS's employees set up correctly.  What I meant to explain was that the LFS employee said he kept around 50 at home in a community 150g tank.  The actual store had about 10+ in a 10g.     I know it contradicts many articles, though not all, that CPD's are not...
  17. markanthany

    Cpd's/galaxy Rasbora Killed The Others

      Sorry, I failed to mention that when we found them dead in the tank, one was still partially alive (the one with the visible bloody marks) and being attacked by the remaining CPD.  That's what lead us to think he had killed them all while we had slept.   We have a 60g actually that's still...
  18. markanthany

    Cpd's/galaxy Rasbora Killed The Others

      Hi, thank you for your response!   The tank had been running for about two weeks with start up bacteria, plants, and a small filter.  We used strip test and liquid test for ammonia, all readings came out perfect or preferable, PH was a little on the alkaline side.  We were actually able to...
  19. markanthany

    Cpd's/galaxy Rasbora Killed The Others

    Hey all,   So as the title says, we woke up to a tank of five CPD's with one alive and the other four dead.  I feel bad because this is our first time keeping them and we got them anyway even though quite a few were dead in the tank from which they were purchased.  However, everything in the...