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  1. F

    Green Slimey Film Algae

    Sounds like it coud be cyanobacteria, aka blue-green or green slime algae. Try searching for algea post, there are some really goods ones here that good help you get a better id.
  2. F

    Swimming against the current!

    You may want to check you water parameters, I have heard that some fish will try to swim "upstream" in order to get away from unhealthy water. It can't hurt to check. :unsure:
  3. F

    PLEASE close this topic

    Sorry but PETsMART's fish DC repacks them into those cups. I'm not sure how they arrive to the US but I doubt it is any different. It is a system that was devised by the oversea breeders to ship huge quanties of fish with as low a loss a possible (it is in their best intrest that the fish get...
  4. F

    PLEASE close this topic

    Actually the bettas you get at Petco do come to the US that way. It is at the trans-shipper that they get changed over to cups. Same process for PETsMART, Wal-mart and any large chain store.
  5. F

    Walked into petsmart today

    Probably because they can't get better employees. If you have a local store that is that bad go work for them. Even if it is only part-time I'm sure they would love to have you.
  6. F

    Walked into petsmart today

    Umm, if a PETsMART employee was caught doing that they would be in big trouble. :angry:
  7. F

    Something Truly Foul at Petsmart

    Just for the record I do agree with what's being said here, just trying to point out the other side as well. B)
  8. F

    Something Truly Foul at Petsmart

    Hee, hee that will teach you. :P
  9. F

    Something Truly Foul at Petsmart

    LOL, yeah I truely love the fire BM has. It's great to see people so passionate, just hope I'm never accidently in the way! :blink:
  10. F

    Something Truly Foul at Petsmart

    By all means please do speak up, I don't want anyone to think they shouldn't. Just be open to the idea that things aren't always what they seem. Just because the cups look dirty doesn't mean they weren't cleaned out the day before, they just might not have been done yet that day. Betta cups...
  11. F

    Something Truly Foul at Petsmart

    Not making any excuses, just simply saying that I know for a fact the cups can get that dirty in 24hrs. Unfortunately PETsMART uses smaller cups than Wal-Mart so that is why there is a difference. Maybe the way the water changes were done stressed them out and led to them getting sick. If they...
  12. F

    Something Truly Foul at Petsmart

    OK, still playing devil's advocate. Those tiny little cups do get that dirty that quick. I change the water in our bettas cups EVERY single day and when I get there the next day they look nasty. It is even worse with the fish that are "dirty" ones. We have one betta right now that within 24 hrs...
  13. F

    Some People Suck

    Yes that would mean she was a manager. :*)
  14. F

    Some People Suck

    I'm so sorry to hear that the green boy didn't make it, but I'm glad to see that store is on the ball. :D Here is a really easy way to identify a manger at PETsMART, they will always be wearing a navy blue or red shirt with a gold name badge. Regular empoyees wear green shirts (soon to be...
  15. F

    Tail-less Lucky's Progress Photos

    All I can say is wow! What an amazing little boy. :D
  16. F

    Some People Suck

    Thank you BM for brining it to the store manager's attention. I really doubt it was an employee who did that, more likely some punk kid. We recently had some @#!hole throw one of our bettas in the tank with a buch of large red parrot chiclids. We got him out pretty quickly but he didn't make it...
  17. F

    I'm sad.

    What really upsets me about stores like that is it really doesn't take that much time to take care of these guys. Just today I did water changes on all 44 of our bettas at work. It took me 1 hr and that was changing water out, letting them each swim in the tub for a minute, adding betta fix to...
  18. F

    What types of plants?

    The grass in you pic is often refered to as mondo grass. Just put some in my 5 gallon. :D btw Bettamama, I love that new tank you set up for your girlies!
  19. F

    Another day in petsmart....

    Hello again, just had to respond to this post..... Now I'm not in anyway saying I know why this fish is dead but I do get tired of everyone imediately assuming it's the lfs fault. It is possible that the dead betta you saw was neglected. It is also possible that those bettas were from a new...
  20. F

    Need help finding fish

    Help....... I've been infected with that darn betta bug, must have some HM and CTs. I have some wonderful roomy tanks (2-5 gals) set up and ready for fish but can't find any! I know I can have them shipped but I really hate to do that. So does anyone know a good place or breeder that might have...
  21. F

    Hello, and Problems with Petsmart and other lfs

    Well if that person disen't care (and it appears they don't) then you go to the peson above them....and you repeat that process until you find someone that does care or you run out of options. That is the way you get things changed.
  22. F

    Hello, and Problems with Petsmart and other lfs

    Don't just "mention it to an employee" if the conditions are that bad speak to the dept. manager or store director. The regular employees are often just kids and if the person is new they may not know what should be done. If speaking with a manager doesn't improve things then call or e-mail...
  23. F

    Hello, and Problems with Petsmart and other lfs

    Hello everyone, :D I've been reading this board for a few weeks now and really like all the info! I have two VT male bettas and would love to get some HM and CTs. So far I haven't been able to find any locally and I hate the idea of shipping them. :/ Anyhoo I thought I might share some...