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  1. hudsona85

    Sump For 90 Gallon.

    Whoops. Must not have read that the first time thoroughly! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. hudsona85

    Sump For 90 Gallon.

    This is what I got going on so far. Thoughts? Braces on the floor or under? Under would be an issue as I live in an apartment. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. hudsona85

    Sump For 90 Gallon.

    Yes, Tank, cut glass, labor and installation to whatever I want to configure (which I might have a general idea as to how). Hmm. At that point would 20 gallons be enough?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. hudsona85

    Sump For 90 Gallon.

    I actually called PetCO and apparently missed the sale by a few days .   I went to an aquatics store where the people do sumps custom made for about $70-100 depending on the size. I was quoted $70ish for a 20 gallon. Not sure if that is considered expensive? I don't seeing it being a difficult...
  5. hudsona85

    Sump For 90 Gallon.

    Awesome, thank you!
  6. hudsona85

    Sump For 90 Gallon.

    Hmm. I tested the sump the other day and some leaks in it. I could theoretically just take the "stages" and start over. Might be difficult but worth the effort. Thank you for your help!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. hudsona85

    Sump For 90 Gallon.

    Would I need to change around the "stages" of water flow to benefit more for freshwater? Sorry, used to canister setups where I know water will flow. The video helped with some of the broad picture of what I can do but the idea of the getting everything to piece together without overflowing my...
  8. hudsona85

    Sump For 90 Gallon.

    Any ideas as to what kind of plants that would work well? I think the sump is roughly 20 ish gallons give or take a few. It looks like a saltwater sump but I guess I could use the same concept for freshwater? Thank you. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. hudsona85

    Sump For 90 Gallon.

    Sump Questions Hello all!   I recently just bought a 90 gallon aquarium with a over flow system, stand, 2 different canopies, canister filter, and a 20 gallon acrylic sump tank. I am very new to using a sump tank for filtration and have no idea where to start. I am up for the challenge and just...
  10. hudsona85

    Canister Filter Size + Bioload, Is Bigger Better?

    I posted a question in regards to a similar matter such as this conversation which are sump tanks. Not really got any answers from the post. I have a 20 gallon sump tank. Would this be considered overkill for a 90 gallon tank? I planned on using sponges since they worked for me in other tanks...
  11. hudsona85

    Sump Questions

    Can anyone suggest ideas?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. hudsona85

    Sump Questions

    Hello all!   I recently just bought a 90 gallon aquarium with a over flow system, stand, 2 different canopies, canister filter, and a 20 gallon acrylic sump tank. I am very new to using a sump tank for filtration and have no idea where to start. I am up for the challenge and just needed some...
  13. hudsona85

    Trouble Classifying This One...

      Oy... Deep inside I am saying you're wrong and its only because I know I can't keep this guy in a 75gal... S/he will grow to be a beautiful fish though so its tempting! Sad part of it is? The LFS has this one labeled as a a Eartheater! Ugh...     Thank you!
  14. hudsona85

    Trouble Classifying This One...

    Hello group,   It has been awhile! Hope all is going well in fishforums.   I was hoping to see if anyone could classify this cichlid. I believe this is a type of a Earth-eater possibly redhead? I have searched all over the net to find a picture similar to this feller here but had no such luck...
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  16. hudsona85

    Tank Scaping So Far.

     I have not considered this. Pretty cool idea!     "Blueberry" Tetra? Not sure I follow?   I am slowly adding some height with some plants, rock, and driftwood. I am however, having some issues with the tank. Seems I have some kind of algae bloom and turning the tank green and making it hard to...
  17. hudsona85

    In Case Of Emergancy...

    Definitely great advice! Despite the abundance of power outages we had in NC, I was not one of them. Sadly it was not something that was thought about before. At least I know now that I will be better prepared in the next events. I actually thought about this last week. One of the tanks has a...
  18. hudsona85

    In Case Of Emergancy...

    Hello all,   Indeed it has been a while since my last visit. Hope all is well! Any who, onto my "Discussion".   I have been researching around for some decent answers and yet have not been able to come to something that could potentially work. In the last few days, there has been winter storm...
  19. hudsona85

    Tank Scaping So Far.

    Got my 75gal up and running! Slowly getting some plants in there. I have the driftwood held down by some rocks. Thinking I may add more driftwood and plants to hopefully get the Amazon look as close as possible. May have to change out the light system as well. I have 2 Rainbow cichlids and I...
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  23. hudsona85

    Ich Advice

    Can't see very well from the pic but it could be scales tearing apart. 90F i think was way too hot to have any fish in.
  24. hudsona85

    Tips On This Rock?

        I actually have slate in my 55gal and work just fine. This slate that I picked up was picked outside at a business. My concern was to make sure there was nothing in this kind of slate that would do any harm which was the reddish/orange color. I will test the slate with vinegar and see what...
  25. hudsona85

    Tips On This Rock?

    I apologize in advance for the somewhat long post. I went to one of my favorite LFS and as usual oohing, ahhing, and drooling over the fish. I proceeded to ask one of the guys there I've known for a good while about the slate rocks they carry. I wanted to put some in my 75gal to help create the...
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  28. hudsona85

    Kribs With Fry!

    Update with the original fry. Alive and doing well! They have graduated from the 10 gallon to the 29 and really seem to like it! Not quite understanding why the pictures wont show upright??? Anyone have an idea as to why this is??  
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  31. hudsona85

    Ick Help Please

    I would advise against putting in anything until you know for sure what it is. It looks like you have a 55 gallon tank. A picture would really help us out figuring out what it could be.
  32. hudsona85

    What Kind Of Algae Is This And Do I Need To Do Anything With This?

    Hmm... Well that answers that...  I just added the SeaChem Flourish yesterday and cut my light times down. Hopefully it will help. I only said Oto in hopes of not having to buy another fish to solve a problem. Maybe fish keeping is just not not my thing...
  33. hudsona85

    New Ammonia Source?   I have seen in some of the forums here that this one works really well. Dr Tims has some nitrafying bacteria to cycle the tank.
  34. hudsona85

    What Kind Of Algae Is This And Do I Need To Do Anything With This?

    I had at least 5 of them at one point until I did a water change and unfortunately forgot to add dechlorinator and lost half the fish in there. I felt really really stupid then. Learn from your mistakes, right? When I move the Roseline barbs, I plan to add more. I wasn't aware of tiger barbs...
  35. hudsona85

    What Kind Of Algae Is This And Do I Need To Do Anything With This?

    Thank goodness it't not the Po4! If you are willing to share them, I'd be happy to see them. Not much scares me.     I apologize for the confusion. I didn't realize which part of what system you are asking for. As you and I have discussed in the past in regards to water hardness and what fish...
  36. hudsona85

    Back From Japan!

    Welcome back!
  37. hudsona85

    What Kind Of Algae Is This And Do I Need To Do Anything With This?

    I went to one of my other "upscale" LFS and they had the API phos test kit. It was tested and read 0. I just added 3 plants to the tank just this past saturday. I wonder if that will help balance out the tank. It also seems that my RTS is helping keeping the algae down along with my Columbian...
  38. hudsona85

    What Kind Of Algae Is This And Do I Need To Do Anything With This?

    I unfortunately do not have anything to test for phosphates. I doubt will find any at the LFS and may have to find it on Amazon. I am adding API CO booster but not as often as I should. Apparently it is supposed to be added daily.     Not sue of what you are asking as far as the system? The LED...
  39. hudsona85

    What Kind Of Algae Is This And Do I Need To Do Anything With This?

    The plant is right next to the rock that I posted earlier. I didn't think there was a such thing as bad algae but had to ask in case. Ergo the "idiot" comment I made.  