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  1. E

    Sick Neon Tetra?

    Thanks so much guys for the replies, Unfortunately, my fish was found dead this afternoon. :( Not sure what caused it, but it might be because of water, lack of food because he/she wouldn't eat, or something else. Anyway, thank you  Erick
  2. E

    Sick Neon Tetra?

    This isnt my exact fish but it looks identical to the one in this picture.
  3. E

    Sick Neon Tetra?

    Hey all, This is my first time getting neon tetras and I went to petco for them. I got 5 of the smallest neon tetras they had and it not until I put them into the tank that one had and unusual spine curvature. I did some research and I think it might be neon tetra disease. I only have one 5...