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  1. N

    loaches and ich

    hi folks I have 2 clown loaches that for the 3rd time in 3 months have got white spot yet again. I have been treating the water with interpet white spot control for the past 2 weeks now and have even increased the dosage. I have checked the water stats and they are all fine, these 2 loaches are...
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    honey gourami

    I have a single red honey gourami at the moment I am not sure of what sex it is. the reason it is on its own is that the 2 previous single gouramis that I have placed in the tank alongside it get chased and bullied non stop from the one I already have. I think it is a female as it is dull in...
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    Wohoo i got Otos!

    By the way where did u get these otos for £7 I might try and get some myself.
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    Wohoo i got Otos!

    well I hope you have better luck than I did, I had 3 zebra otos that I only had for 3 weeks the 3 of them all died within 2 days of each other for no aparent reason that I could guess about. Good luck with them
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    mollie fry

    think that I am going to have to seperate the males and females from the tank aint got the room for all these new additions lol
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    mollie fry

    20-40 wow well then someone in my tank has had a feast as I hadnt realised that the female had produced fry and I have only found 3 of them. well have to be a bit more diligent the next time then.
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    mollie fry

    Does anyone know roughly how many fry will a black mollie produce at any one time, and also how often will they produce fry. I am also keen to learn how long it takes approx. for them to give birth from when they are made pregnant.
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    3rd oto gone bye bye

    my tank has been up and running for 4 months now and all the readingd are as they should be. ammonia - nil ph - 7.0 nitrate 25 nitrite 0
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    3rd oto gone bye bye

    3 weeks ago I bought 3 zebra otos and now the last one of them has just perished right in front of my eyes, it darted straight up to the top of the tank swam like crazy and then nothing it just fell to the bottom just like that. I cannot believe these fish, every other fish in my tank is as...
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    new fry

    thanks folks i have just bought a breeder net for them but see trying to catch the little critters lol
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    new fry

    Hi folks I have just looked into my tank and found that I have got 6 new additions of black mollies. now being new to this and not even realising that I had both a male and a female what do I feed these on. Is there food for fry or do they just eat normal fish flakes, please help dont have a...
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    I have had that same problem 3 times and each time I have just let the filters soak it all back up again, it doesnt take long and in my cases i have had no probs with my fish.
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    2nd oto gone

    Thanks for that Inchworm and yes bignoses post is a massive help, judging on inspection of the 2nd dead oto it looks like it has been starved but the 3rd remaining oto looks a little bit plumper and fingers crossed it survives. I am gonna get some more otos but the problem I have is getting up...
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    2nd oto gone

    78 degrees F is 26 degrees C I am going to get another tank set up and purchase some more otos and try and do as you are saying. Both of the otos that I have lost have died during daytime the 2nd was ok and swimming about at 8am but dead at 12.30pm when I checked the tank. I only put the airpump...
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    2nd oto gone

    hi there Morrgan the temp of the water is steady at 78 degrees and for at least 4 hours every day I have an airpump running. I never quarantined the fish as I do not really know much about quarantining in the sense of where do you keep the fish how to you slowly introduce them to the main tanks...
  16. N

    2nd oto gone

    In the last 2 hours I have lost a 2nd zebra oto the other perished a couple of days ago. I am now down to my last one and am thinking that this one is gonna go the same way as the other 2. there was absolutely no warning of this oto perishing as it was swimming about at 8am this morning. have...
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    I cycled a new 33 gallon tank with 10 neons some 6 months ago and I still have the same 10 neons who are doing wonderfully well. I think they are a hardier fish than most are given them credit for.
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    lost zebra oto

  19. N

    lost zebra oto

    just lost one of the 3 zebra otos that i have and on taking it from the tank and inspecting it i see that its stomach is very bloated unlike the other 2 zebras that are left. has any1 seen this before or had any probs with zebra otos. my readings are ph 7.0 nitrate 50 nitrite 0
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    pregnant mollies

    Can someone please tell me how you know if a black molly is carrying young, both my mollies seem to be rather large around the stomach area. I dont have a clue what to look for. please help
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    New filter and bacteria

    just wash out the old filters in the water in the tank this will add enough good bacteria that will enhance and stick to your new filters quite quickly.
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    Blimey That's Pricey!

    What you must remember is that it costs a hell of a lot more to ship fish from the likes of peru or asia to the british isles than it does to say the usa. if a delivery is short of a certain breed of fish then all lfs are gonna take advantage of this and hike up their prices. its wrong but hey...
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    filter problems!!!

    wash your old filters out in your new tank and this will transfer a lot of the good bacteria.
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    one eyed neon

    I think my main worry is how this happened in the first place, all my fish are very placid except for one honey gourami who hassled my other gourami till it gave up the ghost the other day. I hope i have not got a problem fish in the tank that is gonna keep on doing this as it would be so...
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    one eyed neon

    Have just added some food to the tank and hey the little blighter is trying hard to feed but it looks like it cannot focus properly at least it is trying
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    one eyed neon

    Hi there folks, my run of bad luck continues, I have just looked into my tank to see one of my neons listing in the middle of the tank lying sort of at 45 degrees of an angle an d twitching on all fins. it still datrts about whenever another fish goes near it but to my horror I have noticed that...
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    silver molly

    Thanks for the advice folks I am not holding out much hope for the little blighter but hopefully i can make what time it has left comfy who knows it may recover.
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    Gourami's Territorial Problem

    thank you for your advice sylvia it is much appreciated, I am gonna get 2 female gouramis and some new floating plants to see if that makes any difference, will keep in touch and let you know how I get on.
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    silver molly

    Hi folks I have a silver molly in my tank that I am sure is pretty messed up. I have noticed that it seems now to be totally out of balance with things, it cannot swim in a straight line and when it is moving thru the water its like watching a snake move with its whole body spiralling to get it...
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    my gourami is no more

    Yeh would want to put any more of the blighters thru what this one has just had to endure.
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    Gourami's Territorial Problem

    I have just lost a little honey gourami because of being bullied and harrased by the bigger honey gourami, I wont be putting 2 of these together again they r to territorial
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    gouramis and mutilated fins

    I have just lost my little honey gourami because of being constantly bullied and harrased by the larger honey gourami, wont be putting 2 together in one tank again. R.I.P little honey gourami
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    my gourami is no more

    My little honey gourami has beeen chased and harrased by the larger honey gourami that i have until I have just seen the little blighter give up and go to fishes heaven as I watched. I did nt think that these gouramis had a mean streak to them but boy am I wrong. Does anyone else know of this...
  34. N

    red honey gouramis

    The gourami is no more I think the larger one finally put the nail in the coffin and harassed the little blighter till it could take no more. what a bully. Dont know whether or not to replace it or not with having that bully in the tank.
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    red honey gouramis

    I dont know to much about honey gouramis but judging by your description neither of the 2 of them have darker throat areas and apart from size (the bully one being at least 1.5x the size) i cannot see any difference in them. The larger one chases the smaller one with a vengeance, yet when i...
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    red honey gouramis

    Hi folks I added 2 red honey gouramis to my tank about 2 weeks ago and they seemed to be getting on great together,but a couple of days ago I noticed that one of them ( the smaler one) has a big chunk missing out of its tail fin, at first I thought it was the fighter fish that I had in the tank...
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    Thanks for all the useful info folks much appreciated.
  38. N


    can anyway suggest when it is recomended to change the filters in a tank, there seems to be many different views from many different people but i am not sure and am sure I am not going along with what my lfs says which is to change them every 2 weeks. please help.
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    Repeated Ich treatment

    I had to reapply and then ultimately change the meds I was using from a med that contained malachite green to one that contained methylene blue and boy what a difference. the malachite green one just would not shift the peky ich but after using just 2 doses or methylene blue it has gone, but i...
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    Malachite green or Methylene blue??

    have alook at my post in the emergency questions and I am sure you wil get your answer there my friend