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  1. C

    Bn Catfish Hanging Out At Top Of Tank

    I'll be doing another water change then, it can't hurt. 
  2. C

    Bn Catfish Hanging Out At Top Of Tank

    The ammonia is due to the recent addition of 3 guppies and the BN. As I have treated with Seachem Prime the ammonia is NH4, not NH3. This is confirmed as my Ammonia Alert shows 0, however the API test kit takes a while to show anything at all and even then is just showing the total ammonia...
  3. C

    Bn Catfish Hanging Out At Top Of Tank

    Tank was cycled with 4 danios and Seachem Stability. Not the way I would do it again, I was mislead with advise from a large chain pet shop that it was the right way to go. I was unaware of the ins and outs of the nitrogen cycle at the time and was told that you could just put fish straight in...
  4. C

    Bn Catfish Hanging Out At Top Of Tank

    Hi from Australia!   I have a relatively new tank, 5 weeks old. I bought a Bristlenose Catfish yesterday from a trusted LFS. It is roughly 2" long and fairly chunky, healthy looking. Since putting in yesterday he hasn't done too much. Today he only wants to hang around the top of the tank at the...