Search results

  1. S

    Harlequin Query

    Ammonia and Nitrite were at 0. Nitrate at 40. pH I believe was 6.8 at last check. Temperature is a constant 25 degrees.   I say 'shoal', I haven't had more than 4 at a time in there, with 3 Cardinal Tetras (once the harlequin numbers reduced, I upped them to 6 and it made the Tetras happier)...
  2. S

    Harlequin Query

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone can help me? I have (well, had) a shoal of Harlequin rasbora. Then recently, they all started dying off one by one. I had a brief bout of finrot after my Betta attacked them (he's now in a separate solitary tank), which was treated with Melafix and went away. But...