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    I plan to keep this topic for showing pictures of English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Pit Bulls, Boxers, Bullies,...etc. I will upload pictures of my dog when i get them on here.
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    Is This A Convict?

    Yes sir
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    Convicts In A Community

    No, No and No. The other fish you have will be tore up by the convict. 
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    Hello, Fishy World

    I keep Gouramis (seperate from my Cichlid),have a giant pleco, cory, tetras and guppies.
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    New And Need Advice On Fish Food

    Usually, Bettas like the pellets too. My betta eats about 5-6 pellets a day, and he is healthy.
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    Hello, Fishy World

    Hello everyone, I am new to the forums, so if you have any suggestions just comment  