Search results

  1. Raja-bengal

    Aqua One 620T Tank. (Tropical, Planted)

    Hello, I set up this tank just over a year ago. My initial set up. (fishless cycling)   This is my tank today.   It is currently home to; 2 Angels, male & female, they like to lay eggs every 2-3 weeks, mainly after WC. 1 Beta, male. 1 Peppermint Bristlenose. Had 2, but 1 just disapeared. 1...
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  3. A1__12_03_20151.jpg


  4. initial set up.jpg

    initial set up.jpg

  5. Raja-bengal

    How Long To Treat For Velvet?

    Hi again , Just lost one of my blue rams, looked fine yesterday, hope I dont lose more. Removed all plants and ornaments, vacuumed gravel, 40% water change at correct temp (I use rainwater, no chlorides etc), and redosed as per instructions. Water parameters still test ok.
  6. Raja-bengal

    How Long To Treat For Velvet?

    Yes, using full dose as per instructions. Now have to remove plants as it is affecting them. So it looks like a renovation is on the horizon. Any idea how long till the spots disappear? The affected fish have stopped flashing and rubbing.
  7. Raja-bengal

    How Long To Treat For Velvet?

    Hi, I am currently treating my tank for Velvet, and  want to know how to tell when my fish are cured. One of my 2 Mollies (all white) has yellow spots all over, my lfs guy advised Blue Planet Multi cure after I showed him a photo of it. The instructions arent that clear. I have a planted aquaone...
  8. Raja-bengal

    Hi, New To This Forum, Any Forum For That Matter.

    Hey everyone, thanks for the warm welcome. Thanks for the link KieranBoyne, I tried it in Members tanks & pictures, with some effort ( my lack of IT knowlege) it worked . I'll try on here. Nice to see another Aussie here Gruntle. I considered saltwater but chose tropical due to cost. Now trying...
  9. Raja-bengal

    New To Tff, New Tank. New Hobby?

    Thanks Ninjouzata, Actually I got it wrong, Thats Samba at the tank, Raja is a bit bigger and they are Bengals. Pictures are of the same tank, most plants died in initial set-up. Will try some more pix later on as the tank is currently being treated for velvet and is now a lovely shade of green...
  10. Raja-bengal

    New To Tff, New Tank. New Hobby?

    Hi.  Tried to post some photos in the newbie section but not successful, so I'll try here. 1/  Raja checking out my work. 2/  Current set-up.  Current plants seem to be doing better. Some browning but lots new growth. 3/  Initial set-up. Original plants died. Cheers, Carl.
  11. tank at 19 04 2014.jpg

    tank at 19 04 2014.jpg

  12. checking new house mates.jpg

    checking new house mates.jpg

  13. Raja-bengal

    Hi, New To This Forum, Any Forum For That Matter.

    Hi, Thanks for the welcome. As I said in my intro posting photos, I think have managed to put a photo in this post. Nope! No luck. Any clues people?
  14. Raja-bengal

    Hi, New To This Forum, Any Forum For That Matter.

    Hi all at TFF, My name is Carl. I have recently (9 weeks) set up brand new planted  tank. An Aqua-one 620T 130 lt for tropical fish.. No idea of plant names as I chose them for thier looks & the lfs guy said they would suit . Tank has cycled & now houses, 2 Blue Rams 2 Bolivian Rams 2 Angels 2...