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  1. adamthesim

    Discus Not Adapting / White "worm" Like Growth

    Sorry for the extremely belated response, busy, busy, busy. The symptoms I was describing dissappeared over the course of  a weeks or so.   Yes, he would rub against objects from time to time but once the "white string" disappeared he stopped.   He has been behaving normally for several weeks...
  2. adamthesim

    Discus Not Adapting / White "worm" Like Growth

    Thank you for your timely response!   No, the string did not appear to have a Y shaped tail. It was a simple, very white, very round looking string. It did not resemble the picture above (and gosh that looks bad!). The string has also, by the way, disappeared. Sadly we're not out of the woods...
  3. adamthesim

    Discus Not Adapting / White "worm" Like Growth

    So, last Saturday I got my first Discus. I have placed him in my 75 gallon planted aquarium, which as far as I know has perfect water conditions.   > He has remained very dark in colour, but always was. > Heavey gill and mouth breathing, but like other fish there is no attempt gasp at the...
  4. adamthesim

    Greetings From Adamthesim

    Hi Gruntle,   I have 1 Boesemani Rainbow and one New Guinea Rainbow. I was told I was getting two "Boesmani"  the females are just less colourful but based on some research I think they are mistaken. My "female" is in fact a Turquoise Rainbow. In any case, I have 3 rainbow fish total.  ...
  5. adamthesim

    Greetings From Adamthesim

    Hello fellow aquarists!   My name is Adam and I currently keep two fresh water aquariums. I keep a 20 gallon tall for small fish and a 75 gallon live planted tank.   I absolutely love Angel Fish, Gourami, Catfish, Rainbows and Discus. I currently keep (in my show tank) 4 Angels, 1 Discus, 2...