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  1. C

    Platy Burst Open! Extreme!

    Someone has told me this could possibly be a miscarriage and she will die. They said if there were too many fry they can kind of explode out of their side and push up their scales. Can anybody help me? Could this be true??
  2. C

    Platy Burst Open! Extreme!

            Here is a couple of picture of what she looks like now. She has a white very large circular wound. Please help
  3. Fish.jpg


  4. C

    Platy Burst Open! Extreme!

    It is very hard to get a good picture of. It is on her lower side, near the front of her body. She had a hole in her side with a whole bunch of white stuff protruding out of it. She is still alive. Now most of the white stuff that was dangling is gone. When you look at her body, she has a hole...
  5. C

    Platy Burst Open! Extreme!

    Please help! I have had my fish for over a year now, sucessfully, with no sickness. I have a 20 gal tank with one female molly, one male platy, and one female platy. The female platy was a fry that I raised from birth. I woke up this morning to feed my fish and the female platy is completely...
  6. IMG_6301 (480x640).jpg

    IMG_6301 (480x640).jpg
