Yes very similar to the 'Convict', in the past they have probably been put under the same species name, but recently they have been described as a different species. They breed exactly like a convict as well, very aggressive!
Cheers, was quite difficult getting pictures, had to take around 100...
I picked up a trio of these nice wild caught mollies on Friday, at the airport straight from the USA. I was surprised to find 22 fry dotted about the tank, when the females don't look very gravid at all!
Just a quick video of my WC A.citrinellus 'Rio Tempsisque' Midas cichlid, who have a few free swimming fry, I was suprised by the spawn due to the small size.
Just a video of my wild caught Caquetaia umbrifera 'Rio Magdalena' protecting their many fry! Also know as umbee/umbie cichlids or Blue freckled monsters, they get big and are from Colombia and Panama.
Thanks mate!
Thank you! haha my dogs do that to animal noises on the laptop or tv as well. Yes that could be it, I have noticed there are quite a few restrictions.
My pair of Red Tiger Parachromis motaguense recently bred and the wrigglers became free swimming today so I thought i'd take a few picture:
Previous picture I took when they where defending eggs:
And a video of them:
A quick video of my wild caught Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora 'Rio Tempisque' feeding on live Mosquito larvae. I recently pulled 43 fry from the tank!
Not Gambusia but Poecilia latipinna aka sailfin molly, they are found in Texas, while Gambusia yucatana are found in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.
Nice fish, you are very lucky to have these fish local to you!
Thanks, what size are your A.cultratus? I am hoping to get a large group, I have a 7ft tank with Costa Rican cichlids, I'd like to add some soon. There was only 3 left in the shop. Where abouts are you located?
Cheers Jamie! I am really liking the Xenotoca eiseni.
Just a few livebearers I am currently keeping:
Alfaro cultratus, I have a trio of these, 2 female 1 male, I find them very shy, not had them long:
Ameca splendens, I have 19 of these, which I picked up from Jamie Owens, thanks again!
Xenotoca eiseni, I have 4 of these, also recently...
Hi all,
Decided to join up to this forum recently, I am a member of various other forums and have been keeping tropical fresh and salt water fish for awhile.
I mainly keep Central American cichlids plus a few others, I have 30+ tanks ranging from 2ft to 8ft.
As well as keeping fish, I...