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  1. J

    Cleaning Tank

    oh i havnt heard of it . can you give me the full name so i can search it up
  2. J

    Cleaning Tank

    hey is there any other vacum that is better then the ones where u have to suck up to get it starting. isnt there one with like a filter for big tanks ?
  3. J

    Getting brown algae

    what can i get in fishtank that cleans the tank good as in brown algae and can survive with an oscar
  4. J

    PLEASE WRITE - Is vacuming the tank Important ????

    oh ok the thing is with my oscar. it doesnt do anything to the plants it leaves them alone. its got no intrest with the one plant i got. thanks for the help
  5. J

    PLEASE WRITE - Is vacuming the tank Important ????

    is vacuming important ????ive got a 4ft tank with an oscar and i wanna to put lots of plants but when i vacum it ruins the plants ? so is it really important ? can i do just a water change 50% every week and clean the filter out every month ?
  6. J

    good diet for oscar ?

    can i get prawns as in bait ? like the ones u buy for bait ? or do they have to be prawns from the shopping centres?
  7. J

    good diet for oscar ?

    whats a good diet for an oscar to get big,strong and healthy????
  8. J

    what to feed my oscar to get big ?

    what can i feed my oscar to get big ?
  9. J

    what type of cleaning fish can i get with a oscar

    ive got a 4ft tank how about sucking catfish ? can i get another oscar or will they kill each other?
  10. J

    what type of cleaning fish can i get with a oscar

    what type of cleaning fish can i get with my oscar???
  11. J

    My convict acting weird then dies

    um........ the oscar did some clear poos but i think it was the peas i fed.. yeh i saw some clear poos from the convict... is it really bad ?i think the oscar is all good because it still eats and it acts fine. thx for advice
  12. J

    My convict acting weird then dies

    hey um.... i think my water is like 7.5 ph i dont know anything about the ammonia and hardness of water because i just started and i do water changes weekly thanks for the reply so should i stick with the oscar or if i get another fish will it die because lack of space ? sorry that zephyr...
  13. J

    My convict acting weird then dies

    hello i have a 4ft tank with good filtration. I have a 6cm Convict and a 8cm Oscar my convict is the agressive one but they never really fight... they take little bits but not serious. i was looking at my tank and i saw the convict go crazy it just started shaking its head really fast for like...