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  1. G

    Suggested fish to eat my algae?

    I have read that Barbs are good for algae? are they compatable with Guaramies??
  2. G

    Suggested fish to eat my algae?

    Ive just come back from a 3 week holiday and the tanks plants are covered with hair algae, I brought 3 algae eaters and treated the tank with interpet Anti Hair Algae, but there is so much now. What can i do? is there any other fish i can buy to eat it? Thanks
  3. G

    Disappearing Guppies

    thanks for the responses. we did a water change and i suspect that it was a water problem as the tank generally looks better.
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    Disappearing Guppies

    we have had 4 guppies 'disappear' in the last couple of weeks and wondered what the problem might be. its been suggested that they might have died and the other fish have eaten them, but 3 of them went in one weekend and we're wondering if other fish are killing them. the 2 remaining guppies do...
  5. G

    diseased plants?

    after looking at those links, its Brush algae
  6. G

    Suggested fish to eat my algae?

    what about Algea shrimps?? would they work in my tank to clean up??
  7. G

    Suggested fish to eat my algae?

    Many of the plants within our tank have started to develop a kind of algae (?) which looks a bit like blue fluff. I keep removing the affected leaves but its growing everywhere!! Can anyone suggest any fish that I could buy which will eat this hair like algae? someone suggested tiger barbs but...
  8. G

    diseased plants?

    Ive cleaned the tank or plants with hair, done lots of water changes and its still there! and growing, can any one recommend any fish to eat this..... was worried about tiger barbs as I have guppies....???????????
  9. G

    diseased plants?

    this hair is takig over everything, any more ideas?
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    diseased plants?

    its certainly very blue and is relaly taking over all the plants. Should I have the lights on for less time (normally on for 10 to 12 hours)??
  11. G

    diseased plants?

    it does look like hair, and its blue!
  12. G

    diseased plants?

    Many of the plants within our tank have started to develop a kind of algae (?) which looks a bit like blue fluff. We've done our best to pick off the affected leaves but it keeps developing and we're worried that it could be really serious and possibly harm the fish. Can anyone tell me what it...
  13. G

    Growth on plants?

    Our fish tanks plants seem to have grown, well best described as fluff or hair!! is this a problem?
  14. G

    snails, and aggressive shark

    we've just got home after 3 weeks away, having left the safekeeping of our fish with a relative. fish are all fine, but the tank seems to be over-run with snails. is there a good way of getting rid of them or is it just a question of picking them out when we do a water change? also, we've...
  15. G

    water changes

    we have been doing regular water changes and the fish seem to be doing fine, but the problem is putting the new water in the tank. So far we've tried using the syphon, which is hard as involves getting the bucket really high up and also just pouring the water in but that involves taking the fish...
  16. G

    Honey Gourami - swimming very odd??

    it died today! :byebye: not being very lucky with gouramies, the water is good
  17. G

    Going on holiday

    Im off on a 3 week holiday, whats the best way to feed my fish: Use feeding blocks? Buy a automatic feeder? get a friend to feed every few days? Thanks
  18. G

    Honey Gourami - swimming very odd??

    well 2 days later, its still in the quarateen net and it looks like its better!! 2 days ago it looked dead!, how longshould I keep it in the net?? It is swiming and feeding properly :cool:
  19. G


    what about 4 neons and 4 cardinals together?
  20. G

    Honey Gourami - swimming very odd??

    The fish is in a quartine net in the tank, its basically laying down on the bottom of the net, every few minutes it swims on its side in circles around and around. The water is tested fine for everything. I have treated for swim bladder, but dont think it will get through the night, This is the...
  21. G

    Blue Gourami - lost one of his side "tenticles"?

    125 litre (32.5 gallon) tank
  22. G

    Honey Gourami - swimming very odd??

    Its swimming around upside down and on side in cirles?? any ideas? what shall I do??
  23. G

    Blue Gourami - lost one of his side "tenticles"?

    Thanks, was so worried about this gourami....... We tried to do so much research and chat with local LFS to choose which fish and think have already made mistakes!! suppose learn by mistakes, but when the mistakes are alive! its slightly harder!! was now planning to add some neon tetras, would...
  24. G


    im still confused about what Tetras to put in, the LFS says 10 neons, the same that said a Betta would go well in the tank!! Im aware that may be slightly over crowded, but now thinking maybe another species.... ideas?? confused, and getting too much different advice????????
  25. G


    after much research, we are going to avoid a betta.... Our LFS really has told us a lot of bad advice! anyway, why do you think we should add another female platy and more cories?? Do people think that neons are not a good idea? I really would like a nice school of fish?? shoudl I get 6...
  26. G

    Blue Gourami - lost one of his side "tenticles"?

    Blue Gourami - one of blue gouramis has lost one of his side "tenticles"? will it survive? How important are these? what are they used for? Im presuming its been nipped by one of my other fish! 3 guppies (males), 2 platys (a pair), 2 mollies (a pair) 1 Red Tailed shark 2 Coral Blue Gourami and...
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    I have the following fish so far in a 125 lit aqaurium. (shown below on profile) I wanted to finish my collection with one Siamese Fighting fish and some tetras. How many tetras are a good idea? and also can you mix different tetra species or are they best as one species? Was thinking 6 Neons...
  28. G

    Tank lights

    I've heard that the tank lights should be on for around 12 hours, and so have now set ours on a timer. Does it need to be 12 hours solid, or can you break it up into 2 lots of 6 hours etc? I'm guessing turning the lights on and off too much might stress the fish out?? thanks georgia
  29. G

    Feeding fish

    Thanks thats really useful. We've tried cucumber which they seemed to really like, and bloodworm, but I'll try the other stuff as well. Some of them also seem to be nibbling the plants so I think I can definitely cut down on the flakes.
  30. G

    Feeding fish

    I'm having trouble working out how much I should be feeding my fish (3xguppies, 2xplatys and 2xmollies). The flakes say 'as much as they can eat in 2 mins' and '2 or 3 times a day'. Is there more guidance anyone can give me, or is it just trial and error? Also is there a way of telling if I'm...