Search results

  1. AmyStroodle

    Pregnant Sword Tail

    I think my female sword tail is pregnant. Sorry if this is a silly question but is there anything special I need to do for them? Like not do a water change? Leaving the light on less/more? Feeding them baby fish food? (Wow I'm a noob)    Will they get sucked into my filter? D:
  2. AmyStroodle

    Meet Spyro + 2.

    This is the my new fighting fishy Spyro. :) As well as a male and female sword tails that are yet to be named. Think the female is heavily pregnant too! (Can't get a good picture of them)
  3. image.jpg


  4. image.jpg


  5. AmyStroodle

    My Planted 75 Gallon :)

    I only ever tried taking pictures with my iPhone aha and that takes too long to focus. :|
  6. AmyStroodle

    My Planted 75 Gallon :)

    The big yellow fish looks great! How do you take pictures like that of them? D: They never stay still for me. >.<
  7. AmyStroodle

    My Gold Fish :)

    He looks super fancy. :D
  8. AmyStroodle

    Yellow Growth On Tank Filter - What Is It?

    That looks scary and infectious. 0.0
  9. AmyStroodle


    Welcome! Pretty tank you've got there. :]
  10. AmyStroodle

    R.i.p Fabio

    Oh I wasn't getting snappy with you or anything. :] I'm new to this and it's frustrating every things dying when the water seems to be fine all the time. :[   Lost £20 worth of fish/plants now. =/
  11. AmyStroodle

    R.i.p Fabio

      It was 0.25 if that and only for half a day. That was the day I got the fish.   Fish lived happily for 7 days before it died and the water never changed from all 0's.
  12. AmyStroodle

    February 2014 - Fish Of The Month Entries

      Oh my 0.0 What fish are they!
  13. AmyStroodle

    Last Film You Saw Thread

    At the cinema: The Hobbit Part 2 and meh ... I personally got a bit bored. They should of made 1 film and stuck to the book.   Film at home: "Legion" It's got a great idea to it and could of been so much better! It's alright to watch but has a predicatble end.
  14. AmyStroodle

    I Love To Draw :)

      Aha! Don't do anything you're good at for free. ;) Unless it's a gift maybes. =p
  15. AmyStroodle

    His Fins Split!

    My beta used to let himself get sucked against the filter intake when the light was off because it's near the top of the water and holds him there. Fortunatly for me it didn't damage him.
  16. AmyStroodle

    R.i.p Fabio

      Tested every other day (I'll tell you the exact levels when I get in but they were all the lowest), haven't done a water change yet (Was planning on doing a 25% water change at the weekend), only the nitrite level has ever moved and it only moved 1 up. (went back to normal within 12 hours)  ...
  17. AmyStroodle

    Meet Fabio

      :[ He ended up getting caught up in a plastic plant I had and died. :'[   Going to have a rearrange of it, take out the plastic plant and try again.
  18. AmyStroodle

    Fish Acting … Fishy.

    My fish ended up getting stuck in plastic plant I had and drowned/paniced himself to death. :[ Wonder if my next Betta will sit where poor Fabio used to sit. 0.0
  19. AmyStroodle

    New Tank Set Up - New Member

    Same tank as mine, :D Nice set up too, never thought about adding peddles in. :] What type of fish is the yellow one? xD It's looks funny. 0.0   Also welcome!
  20. AmyStroodle

    February 2014 - Tank Of The Month Entries

    Wish I could enter! Then again I'm not sure mine could compete. Some very pretty tanks this month. :]
  21. AmyStroodle

    R.i.p Fabio

    Going to sort out my tank tonight. Rearrange it; taken the plastic planty decoration out.
  22. AmyStroodle

    R.i.p Fabio

    The murdering decoration shall be removed and operated on. I intended at a later date to take out the plastic plants and put real ones through them but didn't see any harm in waiting until I had a bit mroe money. D: I was wrong. Lesson learnt. :|   Poor Fabio D: He was so pretty!
  23. AmyStroodle

    R.i.p Fabio

    My fighting fish I've had for about a week died today. :[ Tested the water everything is perfect. I think he got stuck in one of the decorations and panicked himself to death. :'[  
  24. z.jpg


  25. AmyStroodle

    Fish Acting … Fishy.

    I'm lucky my filter/water sucky in place won't damage my fish's fins :]
  26. AmyStroodle

    Meet Fabio

      Indeed he is! I think he fancies himself a bit too though. ;)
  27. AmyStroodle

    Hairy Log

    Ah right … okies cheers for the information :]
  28. AmyStroodle

    Hairy Log

      It's on my last remaining plant also … guessing it's the same with that as it is with the log?
  29. AmyStroodle

    Meet Fabio

      Cheers everyone for the nice comments. :]   Here's the picture of the tank + a few more of fabio.   And another. D: The picture size limit is rather low D:
  30. 2014-02-05 17.15.21.jpg

    2014-02-05 17.15.21.jpg

  31. 2014-02-05 17.13.19.jpg

    2014-02-05 17.13.19.jpg

  32. 2014-01-27 20.45.45.jpg

    2014-01-27 20.45.45.jpg

  33. 2014-02-05 17.13.03.jpg

    2014-02-05 17.13.03.jpg

  34. AmyStroodle

    Hairy Log

    I have a long in my tank and over the past few days it's grown like a whitey/clear gooey looking hairy substance :s what is this?
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  36. AmyStroodle

    Meet Fabio

      I'm not too sure yet, probably going to add some tetra (Not too many) and some sort of sucky fish (Technical name there) to keep the tank a bit cleaner. Eventually a few shrimp but that'll be it. :]   Or buy a smaller tank just for him. :D Just realised I didn't post a picture of the tank up...
  37. AmyStroodle

    Meet Fabio

      I have but I can't remember where. I'll post another up when I get home in here. :] Mines not going to be a solo fighter tank I'm afraid but I don't think I'll add too much else with him; would hate to over populate the tank. :]
  38. AmyStroodle

    Left My Tank For A Weekend

      Ah. I noobishy thought dropsey was when it dropped scales. 0.0   I'm not sure what the problem was to be honest. After putting my pump on full for a while to clear the greeny brown skin on the water surface I haven't had any more problems. :S   Going to do a water change soon and test the tank...