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  1. P

    Tons Of Questions

    So the ammonia tested at .25 ppm, pH is about 8.1( color was between 8.0 and 8.2)Nitrite is at 2.0 ppm and the nitrate is at somewhere between 0 and 5 ppm. Returned the butterflies and have carnivore sinking pellets, are those substantial enough for the cories? Also gonna go get some nitra-zorb...
  2. P

    Tons Of Questions

    Okay so i cycled the tank for a week after putting in nutrafin plus, which says it can immediately introduce fish into a new tank. Should i put the filters back in right now or do you think that isn't ick? Its the best picture i could take and it does look like a piece of salt on his fin. Anyway...
  3. GBR.png


  4. P

    Tons Of Questions

    Yeah that crayfish, typically known as a blue lobster but its just a crayfish, was gone the morning after i got him. So i should add the other half of the ick medication now or like since im not sure just wait? I also have tetracycline (and a bunch of fish antibiotics a friend gave me like...
  5. P

    Tons Of Questions

    So i started my tank about two months ago,  55 gallon with two quiet flow 50s (Yeah the guy at Petco was a real slick talker), i have a german ram and two electric blues (had another blue but mysteriously died), 5 von rio tetras, 3 congo tetras(plan on getting 2 or 3 more once the pet store gets...