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  1. P

    Updated Tank

    My big tank is a 40g and my smaller one is a 10g. Like I said I'm getting a bunch more tetras and I'm getting a separate tank for them probably a 20-25ish
  2. P

    When To Put Baby Platty In With Other Fish

    I kept my babies in a seperate ten gallon tank for 4 months then out them into my large tank. I was mostly waiting until I was able to sex them so you don't have to keep them in that long but they were absolutely fine when I put them in. I found that they grow much slower inside the breeder...
  3. P

    Updated Tank

    So here's a little back story to all this... Recently I've lost a lot of fish due to ick the remaining fish have been treated and the water has been changed loads so that's all good. Due to this I've lost almost all of my tetras but I am going this week to get more. Previously the black oranda...
  4. P

    My Tank

    Just got a few new fish to fill out my 50 gal. thought share, so here's what I have :) 2 Cory catfish ( nacho and libre) 2 neon tetras (the Fab Four) 1 black skirt tetra (Bartok) 2 blood fin tetras 1 loach ( nowhere man) 1 golden loach (Goldie) 1 black oranda (coppertone) 1 pineapple...
  5. P

    Sexing Fry

    First confirmed male!! I'm a bit surprised because it is actually the bigest of them all
  6. P

    Sexing Fry

    Thanks for the help :)
  7. P

    First Time Molly Owner

    Thanks :)
  8. P

    Sexing Fry

    I'd say they're 1.5 to 3 cm they sizes vary a lot
  9. P

    Sexing Fry

    I have 7 platy/swordtail fry that are 12 weeks (3 months) old and they aren't showing any sign of gender. When should I be able to determine the sex? Thanks a ton
  10. P

    First Time Molly Owner

    Hi :) thanks
  11. P

    First Time Molly Owner

    I've recently gotten a male and female Dalmatian mollies (about a month ago) and I'm certain she is now pregnant! :D I've successfully bred platys before and I was just wondering if there was anything I needed to know that pertains specifically to mollies. Thanks a billion!
  12. P

    Not A Platy After All...?

    I was mostly joking I still think they're gorgeous :) I recently got a sunburst tux platy but it's really young so I'm not sure what gender it is
  13. P

    Not A Platy After All...?

    I just found out my platies are really swordtails... I know they're basically the same but I'm bummed out now. My name is a lie.. I'm not a platy mamma I'm a swordtail mamma
  14. P

    More Pregnant Platies

    She's beautiful. What type of platy is she? And I'd say that she is indeed pregnant
  15. P

    Guppies And Platy

    My pineapple platy is see-through in that area so I can't actually see the babies eyes clearly so I use the gravid spot to tell when she's pregnant but in most cases it's an unreliable way to tell for any type of livebearers. The best way to tell if she's aborted is her size. Has she gotten...
  16. P

    Pregnant Platies

    If your going to use the breeding box (which I use) you have to make sure you have a place to put the babies afterwards because being in that small a space can stunt their growth. I recommend their own separate tank until they are big enough or putting in lots of floating pants and hiding spots...
  17. P

    Can I Put Newborns With My Other Fry?

    Thanks when I put them in ill keep a close eye on the loa and take it out if it starts being aggressive towards the newborns.
  18. P

    Can I Put Newborns With My Other Fry?

    I have 7 pineapple platy fry that are aprox. 2 months old and their mother is pregnant again. They have their own ten gallon tank for them to grow in until they are big enough to be put with the adults. They have plenty of room and the tank has great levels in ph, temp ect. I'd say the babies...
  19. P

    Swordtail X Platy

    The platies and swordtails will crossbreed but they will most likely only breed with another of their specific breed if that option is available.
  20. P

    How Long Before She Drops

    Based off her size and stomach swell I'd agree with her dropping within two weeks
  21. P

    Pregnant Platy?

    I'd say that she is pregnant and the dark spot is her gravid spot. If you don't want the fry all you have to do is leave them and chances are the other fish and the mother will eat the babies.