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  1. H

    deformed flame tetra???

    yes they are eating but tb sound very possible is it contagiuse like i said 1 fish was fine intill second one was introduced can this spread to other types of fish? thanks mike c
  2. H

    deformed flame tetra???

    I owned one perfectly normal flame tetra. i purchased a tank mate for it but when i got the fish home i noticed its spine actually looked bent and it swam with its head almost straight up in a bobbing type motion . i thought the fish was injured and would soon die ,but it lived and grew so i...
  3. H


    pleco will keep a tank so clean youl need to buy algae tabs to keep him alive
  4. H


    I have ghost shrimp would like cherry shrimp but the local guy only sells ghost and buying them of the web ias just crazy expensive 25 $ to ship 2$ shrimp no thanks but if anyone finds cherries in ct let me know im there :thumbs:
  5. H


    if you get thembe very sure every oraface is sealed on top of tank. I say this becouse years ago i had to and kept getting woken up at nite by the sound of them crwling on the tile floor in my bathroom :angry: :angry: i still dont know how the were doing it just be forwarned there no fun to...