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  1. E

    Dying Harlequins

    Okay I didn't realise they only lived that long, that might explain it then...just scary losing 3 in such a short space of time! but yeah would explain why the neons and platy fry have been fine all along.
  2. E

    Dying Harlequins

    Hi! I am really worried about one of my tanks!  In the last week I've had 3 harlequins die. the first two showed no symptoms but the last one had a white fuzz on its face/side of body.  That one only died yesterday so I havent had time to get out and get any meds yet, I've been adding a low...
  3. E

    Bully Neon Tetra - Nipping

    I did think it was normal - only asked when I saw the missing tail. It's quite funny as the bully one is actually the smallest haha. Thanks for easing my mind though!
  4. E

    Bully Neon Tetra - Nipping

    Hi there. I have a school of 9 neon tetras in a 70l cycled aquarium - 5 of them have been in there for 2 months, the other 4 have been in about 2 weeks less than that as the LFS hadnt QT'd them when i went the first time. One of the original 5 has been obviously very domineering and chasing the...
  5. E

    Beginner Stocking

    I have looked at ember tetras and I do like the look of them just wasnt sure about them as i dont know anything about them! Yeah I will, theyre a great little shop, i even heard them refuse to sell some marine fish to a woman who clearly didnt know anything about how to set up a tank for marine...
  6. E

    Beginner Stocking

    hi there, im a newbie and I've just finished cycling a Rekord 700 (70 litres) which took a long time because I was confused at first and had to start again! Basically I just want a few groups of small easy to care for fish since I'm new to the hobby. I went and got 5 neon tetras from my LFS and...